peoples opinions of diet coke/pepsi? good or bad?



  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I'm healthy and have not yet sprouted a second head from the chemicals.
    I'm sure it's only a matter of time. :bigsmile:
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    diet coke- delicious
    diet pepsi- dookie
    ^ What he said.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    way too many scary chemicals in those. My husband has a degree in organic chemistry and he won't go near diet soda. Says the chemicals in that stuff will kill you. I drink plain fizzy water when I need a soda fix.

    I love the people that come back with it hasn't killed me yet.. or my grand mother hasn't died yet..

    Later when you get cancer you'll be all like Why me?


    cause that gnarly diet soda was TOTALLY WORTH IT.
  • yellowmirror
    water>diet coke

    diet coke>pigging out

    this ^
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • yellowmirror
    I have a diet soda or diet raspberry ginger ale everyday . On another weight loss forum there was heavy discussion about diet soda- mostly about how some people felt they have high calories and are fooling the consumer.. this I do not agree with- and so I'm no longer a member over there- it was a very petty/catty site.

    Anyway, I try to make water my first choice - but there are times I lose to diet soda. I know that for me choosing a diet drink is better than the alternative, choosing regular soda which is loaded with calories. Up until recently I wouldn't think twice about grabbing a can of coke and downing it, only to later realize it was 150 calories!!

    that's my 2 cents. :-)
  • dctexas65
    dctexas65 Posts: 22 Member
    I was/am addicted to Diet Coke. I decided to give it up because I was having problems sleeping (caffeine), memory issues, feeling achy and just plain crappy. Then hubby comes home and tells me that a coworker had just gotten back from an assignment in a Cola manufacturing plant and when he saw the chemicals used to make the Cola leak onto the floor and burn a hole in it...well he was done with drinking soda for ever. Battery Cable Cleaner ring a bell? Anyway...gave it up and starting to feel better but that is just my personal opinion.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I've yet to read any studies that provided convincing evidence that drinking diet soda in moderation is harmful.
  • momjmd
    momjmd Posts: 296 Member
    I used to drink a lot diet mountain dew-- loved the stuff. But I also found that I couldn't lose weight and generally gained when I drank it. I don't know if it was the cause but..... I feel better now that I am not drinking it anymore.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Depends on how much of it you drink and how it affects you. I personally don't think that a small amount each day or a few times a week is terrible, provided it doesn't have flow-on effects, like making you crave sugary foods, giving you head and body aches and things like that.

    Up until about 3 months ago, I was drinking sometimes up to a litre or more of Diet Coke per day, and pigging out on sugary/fatty/carby foods while doing so because it made me crave them. I had constant headaches, body aches, was taking painkillers several times a day, sleeping terribly and really struggling with my weight.

    While I've made overall lifestyle changes, which include giving up the junk food and eating more whole foods, fruit and veggies and making treats an occasional thing, giving up Diet Coke has been the biggest thing for me. I find if I even have one now I have headaches for days (and I drink coffee daily, so I know it's not the caffeine) and often feel quite ill, sometimes to the point of an upset stomach. I attribute those negative effects to the artificial sugar. I haven't tried the Pepsi Next (with natvia or whatever it is) yet, but am interested to see if it affects me in the same way.
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    water>diet coke

    diet coke>pigging out

    This ^

    I like to have Coke Zero or Pepsi Max when ever I absolutely have to have it. They are both zero calorie but don't have the bitter after taste of their diet counterparts.
  • emlott88
    emlott88 Posts: 75 Member
    I used to drink 3-4 cans a day of Diet Coke ('DC' as myself, partner, friends and colleagues came to hear it referred to as!). There were many times when my co workers used to look over my cubicle shaking their head as I cracked into my first 'DC' at 8.30. It used to be a running joke that I'd get a hi-5 if I waited until 9am.

    Anyway, I ended up moving to the US to be with my now-husband and it didn't change, in fact I had MORE time to dwell on my DC addiction. I ended up being inactive and realised the effect of the sugar cravings that come along with the DC's!

    First step was getting off the caffeine. I switched to caffeine free DC. It took a week of headaches etc, but it was fine. It isn't available everywhere, but if I can't find it when we go out, then I'll go to a regular DC - there's no dependency on caffeine anymore so it doesn't get me addicted or anything to have it sporadically.

    Once we moved to Germany I noticed the cans piled next to me one day while watching Netflix (and while staring at my gross expanding belly), knew I had to cut it before I could start a healthy life style change food-wise. I'm now down to one a day, either with or after dinner, and I have to have had at least 2 litres (80 oz) of water before I am 'allowed' one. I'm at the point of almost skipping it too.

    Side note: DC entered my childhood home when I was 14 because my brother got type 1 diabetes and we couldn't have sugar in the house anymore. I lost ALL my puppy fat when that happened! However, it started the addiction pretty early. I have bad teeth :( 11 years of DC has done permanent damage! Even though I have a great smile after braces, I have had cavities in almost all my back teeth. My mother also now has fibromyalgia- as someone referred to above. I know this stuff is dangerous and not good for you, but all in moderation.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    way too many scary chemicals in those. My husband has a degree in organic chemistry and he won't go near diet soda. Says the chemicals in that stuff will kill you. I drink plain fizzy water when I need a soda fix.

    I love the people that come back with it hasn't killed me yet.. or my grand mother hasn't died yet..

    Later when you get cancer you'll be all like Why me?


    cause that gnarly diet soda was TOTALLY WORTH IT.

    Riiiight. :laugh:
  • NYgirl1990
    NYgirl1990 Posts: 180 Member
    It bloats me up and I never buy it for myself.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    I'm healthy and have not yet sprouted a second head from the chemicals.
    I'm sure it's only a matter of time. :bigsmile:

    Great, just what I need, another pie hole to feed! :tongue:
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
  • littlesis4321
    littlesis4321 Posts: 3 Member
    way too many scary chemicals in those. My husband has a degree in organic chemistry and he won't go near diet soda. Says the chemicals in that stuff will kill you. I drink plain fizzy water when I need a soda fix.

    I love the people that come back with it hasn't killed me yet.. or my grand mother hasn't died yet..

    Later when you get cancer you'll be all like Why me?


    cause that gnarly diet soda was TOTALLY WORTH IT.

    Sorry to blast back at you - but respect other people's choices and quit attacking their reasoning/beliefs behind their choice. That's no better than being a judgmental twerp.

    Guess what? We all have to die of something...a sad fact is no matter how healthy you live, you still have a risk of cancer. I've seen some very healthy people get their butt kicked and killed by cancer - and they didn't do one single thing wrong in regards to their eating/health/etc. I've also seen those very healthy people get run over by trucks, killed by drunk drivers, etc. Need I go on for the risks regardless if you drink diet soda or not? I choose to drink diet soda in moderation as it doesn't increase sweet cravings/food intake for me, and try to gradually increase water as well as choose healthier foods. Your choice is to stay away based on your spouse's knowledge. I choose to have it in moderation based on my nursing knowledge.

    That said, again I ask you to quit knocking people for their choices. If you read my post right, I said my grandma didn't die of cancer from saccharine but complications from diabetes. So you might want to reconsider the "my grand mother hasn't died yet" in your post because yes, my grandma IS dead.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Just to let you all know, water is also a chemical.
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    I drink it and it has never negatively affected my weight loss.