How would on calculate carrying 33lbs?

I just got through swapping out the water in my aquariums. Taking into consideration that 1 gallon(US) is about 8.34 pounds and that I took out around half of my 40 gallon (20gallons would be like 166.8 pounds) and all of the 10 gallon(83.4 pounds) and that it was done at about 4 gallons (33.36 pounds) at a time how would I figure that up for exercise? I carried it from outdoors to indoors because I use my Mom's water because she has city water so I use a few hoses to get it over into my 5 gallon buckets and run it up and down the back stairs. I don't know how one would figure any of that up, but between that and the 85 degree weather (apparently that is 29.4 degrees Celsius) I am drenched in sweat so that sure as heck seems like exercise to me. If it doesn't well then I at least got to fuss about it, lol.