1cup of fruit= all m sugar for the day??



  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    @aeloine Hold on......chicken that did not taste like 'chicken'? The heck you say! I thought that everything tastes like 'chicken'!

    MY chicken was chicken. MFP chicken was more like salt water fish :smiley:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I swapped out Sugar and Sodium for Fiber and Iron.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Yes I agree with the others, I switched mine to counting fiber and sodium because those make a difference in my daily life (constipation, water weight, etc)
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    That seems like a lot of sugar for just strawberries and pineapple as strawberries are actually quite low in sugar content. I'd weigh your fruit individually to get a more accurate log, not so much for sugar content (recommendations of maximum sugar amounts a day excludes sugar found naturally in foods like fruit and dairy) but for accurate calories consumed.
  • db121215
    db121215 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 2017
    db121215 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    db121215 wrote: »
    It's not irrelevant. If you ate a non healthy food, you'd want to know if it blew your sugar for the day. You'll learn good and bad sugar and not put too much weight on the better kind.

    I'm not sure what your idea of a non healthy food is, but let's say it did put a person over their sugar goal for the day, why would that matter? If they are under total calories for the day and eating a variety of foods, what would it effect?

    Also, what are good and bad sugars? Your body doesn't know the difference, they are all processed via the same biochemical pathways.

    If you are going to put 50grams if sugar in your body, you can do it via fruit or a cupcake. Yes, as long as both fit into your calories, so be it. But from a nutritional standpoint, consuming that sugar from fruits versus a cupcake is more beneficial. Make what you consume count, that's what I was getting to.

    no really - your body metabolizes the sugar the same way regardless of how you ingest it

    So you disagree with what I said above? You believe that nutritional value in fruit is the same as a cupcake, so long as both have the same amount of sugar?
  • dawn_westbury
    dawn_westbury Posts: 358 Member
    Nope no reason. I was just curious about why it notifies me for irrelevant things like that, if they shouldn't matter apparently. Should I just not even worry

    It matters to some is why is it’s showing you. But you can choose what is tracked since you aren’t concerned with sugar.
  • db121215
    db121215 Posts: 60 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    db121215 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    db121215 wrote: »
    It's not irrelevant. If you ate a non healthy food, you'd want to know if it blew your sugar for the day. You'll learn good and bad sugar and not put too much weight on the better kind.

    I'm not sure what your idea of a non healthy food is, but let's say it did put a person over their sugar goal for the day, why would that matter? If they are under total calories for the day and eating a variety of foods, what would it effect?

    Also, what are good and bad sugars? Your body doesn't know the difference, they are all processed via the same biochemical pathways.

    If you are going to put 50grams if sugar in your body, you can do it via fruit or a cupcake. Yes, as long as both fit into your calories, so be it. But from a nutritional standpoint, consuming that sugar from fruits versus a cupcake is more beneficial. Make what you consume count, that's what I was getting to.

    That doesn't actually make sense - the nutrition in fruit and cupcakes is different but the sugar is the same and your body doesn't know what it comes packaged with.

    Far better to think in terms of overall diet than individual foods, both fruit and cupcakes can be part of that diet. Neither is intrinsically good or bad and people do actually eat both, choosing one doesn't mean excluding the other.

    I've already agreed that equal sugar is equal sugar. The debate here is that eatting a cupcake is equally as nutritional as eating the same sugars of fruit. Balance is required.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    It was pineapple and strawberries

    Swap out sugar tracking for something more useful - like fiber. You don't need to worry about sugar unless you have a medical condition, or it's so high, it crowding out other important nutritional requirements.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    db121215 wrote: »
    I've already agreed that equal sugar is equal sugar. The debate here is that eatting a cupcake is equally as nutritional as eating the same sugars of fruit. Balance is required.

    Perhaps you missed the word "potentially" in @deannalfisher 's post? If pretty much all a person was eating was fruit, then the fat and protein in the cupcake could be important in the context of the overall diet. Of course one could choose other sources of those macros, but I believe the point is that a cupcake isn't "bad for you" (barring allergies).

    No one is suggesting that anybody eat only fruit or only cupcakes. Like you said, balance is required.