Exercise not adding to daily calorie allowance

When I used MFP before, if I burned 200 calories running, it would add that to my daily allowance. So if I was at 1400 calories/day, I could eat back that 200 and still have a net of 1400.

It doesn't add my exercise calories to my daily allowance now. Every help topic I've seen is how to disable this, but I want to eat those calories.

Can anyone help?


  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    Are you adding a Cardio exercise, or are you adding a Strength Training exercise? Cardio entries provide Calorie estimates, Strength Training entries do not provide Calorie estimates.
  • jaymijones
    jaymijones Posts: 171 Member
    How are you tracking your calories? Are you using a fitness tracking device (i.e. fitbit), an app (i.e. mapmyfitness) or entering them manually?
  • Danibrss
    Danibrss Posts: 8 Member
    I'm entering them manually, though I did link it to the Samsung health app on my phone. Maybe that's why? Yes, adding cardio, not strength.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    If you have a device synced than manually entering would be a double entry. Activity should only be coming from one or the other - synced device or manually entered here