
I'm new to fitness app and still finding my way thru it is was wondering is there anyone else on here with fibromyalgia that can help me along I've gained massive weight due to illness and the menopause I'm 52 and really struggle with excersise I try walking everyday.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You don't have to exercise to lose weight, you just have to eat less. Use your food diary - correctly.

    It's going to be easier to move when you have lost some weight.
  • Archcurl
    Archcurl Posts: 239 Member
    I might have fibro, my doctor isn't sure. I also walk everyday and on my best days I try some YouTube workout for about ten minutes. I suggest you start tracking your food. Just put everything in the app, use a food scale. Then see how many calories you need to cut. I have a polar device, similar to a Fitbit, that helps me track my exercise. I always eat back my calories. Since I'm already ill I don't want to force my body to make any drastic changes. I would much rather take a longer time to get to a normal weight than to have to stop because my body can't handle it. Good luck!
  • Archcurl
    Archcurl Posts: 239 Member
    Also, feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • jorichards2
    jorichards2 Posts: 100 Member
    I have fibro too diagnosed 7 years ago. My gp suggested gradually introducing exercise and weight bearing exercise. I started with a pedometer and walking until I got to 10000 steps and could maintain it most days Then I braved the swimming pool and gradually increased the distance I swam each week. Weight bearing I tried Pilates first 10 min beginner routines on you-tube, then switched to resistance bands. All cheap options just start and do what you can each day. I now 7 years on Icycle 4 x 1hour a week, walk at least 10000 steps daily and 3x 30min weight training. I have to ensure I get 8.5 hours sleep every night to keep it up x
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I have Fibro and really struggle with exercise but I've managed to lose weight by focusing on my diet and doing what exercise I can when I can. It's a lot slower without regular exercise but better than nothing. If I'm going through a flare up or I'm not well I don't exercise as I find it makes me feel so much worse. Some people with Fibro do really well with exercise, others find it too painful. Maybe focus on your diet and try different exercises in small amounts to experiment and see what feels good for you. For example, I find walking really painful although I keep trying because my doctor wants me to! On the other hand I can use an exercise bike without too much pain for much longer than I can walk so I'll do that if I can.