Craving for just one bite of sweets...

2 weeks in to diet, 3kg lost, so far so good, till today, when a sudden need of melon ban (famous Asian bakery) come to me...I stood in a bakery shop for 5mins and stared at one bread, but finally chose to have a raw papaya instead...this is the moment of 'well done' for me.
Has anybody experienced the same situation ? Tell me your story please :)


  • canarysal
    canarysal Posts: 118 Member
    If you can walk away or choose a better option you do feel proud but sometimes we deserve a treat, I try and ration to a couple of squares of dark chocolate or half a cake!!
  • No food is bad food in moderation. I had a packet of crisps today and just finished a glass of wine, but I'm still within my calories. It's good to resist most if the time, but if your change of diet is to sustainable, you have to treat yourself now and again. :)