Migraine from not enough sleep?

Hey folks,

I decided to throw the hammer down and not be a losing weight quitter anymore. I think it finally hit home that for a former athlete I allowed myself to gain 60lbs in the past 8 years.

I guess what happened over the past eight years my body was used to the volume despite not working out anymore and thus gained the 60lbs.

So anyway I started back up this week (Monday) and have gone running or run/walk for the past 2 days and instead of my usual "hating it", i'm motivated now. Exhausted/sore but motivated

At the same time I've been working alot this week. I work a day job and own a business so i work a full time job and come home (630ish) and work on my business til 1am (with breaks to eat and go to gym).

This morning i woke up with a weird headache or migraine in my left temple, i'm sore, sluggish and just feel bleh.

I dont think im dehyrdrated becuase i drink tons of water. it's all i drink really.

What could it be? A sign that i need to sleep more becuase i've started expending more energy the past 2 days?


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Do you have a history of migraines? Lack of sleep can be a trigger for some, but if you're developing severe headaches that are new for you, it's safest to get the checked out.

    It does sound like your body might need more rest. Since your body isn't used to running, I would try running only every other day. You can still walk or cross-train on your rest days, but many new runners find that running on consecutive days is too much. It is awesome to be motivated, but your body also needs time to adjust to your new workout routine.

    I also find that I get migraines if I don't eat enough. How large is your calorie deficit? Are you eating your exercise calories?
  • susanp57
    susanp57 Posts: 409 Member
    I've noticed that when I have muscle soreness in my upper back or shoulders it seems to creep up and give me a headache.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Dobt run consecutive days when you're not used to it