Join me in being fit for life!!

Hi I'm Tina, I believe that in order to enjoy all of your life even till the day that you die, it's extremely important to stay fit, eat healthy as possible and stay as positive as possible daily! I've worked in the hospital setting for 12 years now and a huge common factor in poor health with my patients has been a life with little to no exercise, a diet filled with junk food, lots of alcohol and street drugs. Now these are people of all walks of life and a huge age range. I met a woman who was 72 yrs young and was positive for meth! The other thing I noticed about these people is that they look so much older than they should for their age and many, even in their 30's couldn't get out of bed without assistance, I'm talking about 60 % of young people when any health issue evolves, they don't have the physical ability due to a lack of fitness and good health management and not because of the illness it's self! That's sad! If I have the ability to live to 100 yrs old, I want everyday of my life to be quality! I want to live on my own, the things I enjoy because I'm strong enough to! This takes dedication and commitment, this takes a mind set of keeping things going and not following what others think old age should be. I refuse to be a weak, wheel chair bound or bed bound person because I'm too weak to have it different. Let's have a full life!!