Is it as simple as it seems?

Hi..just starting off. Done my 5:2 calculator and apparently I'm aloud 1700 caps a day then on my fast days which is 500 cal right? So is that it...can I eat anything within them calories or is there certain foods I should be eating more off etc as I'm seeing alot about eggs?? Lol. Thanks xx


  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    You can pretty much eat anything you want. However, for health a balanced nutritional diet is advised.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I feel that finding MFP was hitting the jackpot B) All the concerns I had, all the "advice" that had piled up through the years (eat that, for god's sake not that) just melted away, along with my excess body fat :#

    I can eat anything I want. Isn't that liberating! Now I eat everything I like, but just enough to be healthy and happy!
  • preshalin
    preshalin Posts: 52 Member
    Yes it is as simple as it seems... Just track your food accurately, be consistent and

    You lose weight slowly... over time...
  • layandal
    layandal Posts: 11 Member
    It is. I did it a while back and now I'm doing it again. That's why I love counting calories instead of doing any diet. You can eat what you want, until your out of calories for the day. Or you do sport for extra calories. For me that works fine.
  • layandal
    layandal Posts: 11 Member
    P.S.: Plus you learn to eat more healthy things on your own, since you want to eat less calories, so you can like... eat something unhealthy once in a while.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    it all takes time!, how bad do you want it? How motivated can you be? GO GO GO!
  • Johncalvinfields
    Johncalvinfields Posts: 179 Member
    Even when I'm tired
  • garyoconnor007
    garyoconnor007 Posts: 6 Member
    I've struggled for years to lose weight until I found MFP. Never knew how simple it is in theory, find out your stats and eat within the given calorie deficit.

    I've lost 2 stone and feel on top of the world, 2 more to go though :)
  • HazyEyes93
    HazyEyes93 Posts: 89 Member
    Yes, you can eat absolutely anything and still lose weight as long as you eat at a deficit. However, you'll probably find that it's easier to stay within those calories with tons of veggies and lean proteins and still be satisfied at the end of the day.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    To the points above.

    What did you select as activity level for general life, and do you exercise?

    The 5 days are supposed to be no diet, eating at maintenance in general, actually in the study freely eating.

    1700 sounds rather low for TDEE unless short and sedentary and not much weight to lose.
  • mail2dijaw
    mail2dijaw Posts: 36 Member
    it is like an old cliche "too good to be true" but like me a lot of us will confirm it .. it is as simple as that .. provided honest logging is done
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    edited September 2017
    Yup. That's how it's done. I got fat eating too much. When I eat less, I lose weight.

    My diet has changed a bit but that's because I am eating less of the calorie-dense stuff to stay within my calories for the day. So, I'm eating less bread and fewer biscuits. I measure my pasta now. On the other hand, I'm really enjoying pricey cheese because I only eat it an ounce at a time instead of wolfing down the whole block with copious crackers.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Did you use the TDEE calculator on TheFastDiet site?
    If so, be aware the activity setting on there is different to how it works on MyFitnessPal - with a TDEE calculator you should include both general daily activity and exercise. In which case you don't log and eat back exercise calories, you have a set goal on the five days.
    (I set my maintenance level differently - I prefer the MyFitnessPal method which gave me a lower base calorie setting plus exercise calories on top as I have a large and varied exercise routine.)

    Yes you can eat whatever you like, the five days are defined as normal eating days (at your maintenance level in calorie counting terms). Of course nutrition is important both whether dieting or not - but there's no magic foods that your must eat or conversely forbidden foods that you must not eat.

    I certainly found on the two fasting days what I ate had a huge impact on how easy/difficult it was to stick to the very low calorie level. I prioritised protein and fibre on those days as well as going for high taste. The 5:2 book/site does have some really good recipes. Actually taking time over food prep, food choices and eating mindfully also make the meagre allowance easier to sustain for a day at a time.
    That "one day at a time" thing is a powerful mental tool - most people can stick to something difficult for a day.