On starting my 10 day detox diet...



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Good luck with this! I did Reboot with Joe for 10 days and it kick started me into eating less without constant thoughts of food. I had a lot of comments from people about that too. Be safe regardless what you try.

    what the hell is reboot with joe? do you turn your body off and restart it like the cable modem?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    sounds like we are too late my boy....
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    I want to challenge myself with this with the hopes that it will help me with eating healthier.

    This is a worthwhile goal, but I don't think the way to help with eating healthier is by denying yourself food for ten days while trying to subsist on a terrible sounding concoction. Work on your eating -- ask people who have open diaries to add you so you can get lots of ideas about what healthy eating can look like. Please reconsider this, I don't see how it will help you get where you are trying to be. All my best to you. Please feel free to add me if you'd like more support.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Good luck with this! I did Reboot with Joe for 10 days and it kick started me into eating less without constant thoughts of food. I had a lot of comments from people about that too. Be safe regardless what you try.

    what the hell is reboot with joe? do you turn your body off and restart it like the cable modem?

    The juicing dude from "Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead"
  • jomitsui
    jomitsui Posts: 4
    For just 1 day, got acne and rashes ON MY FACE from the Cayenne pepper. While some will consider that as a symptom of detox, I seriously think that it is allergy as I never have acne nor rashes before the detox. Took me nearly 2 weeks before everything clears up, so good luck.

    Alternatively, I think you will detox better with lots of water and fiber. Eat less meat and processed food, any food or drink with chemicals written on the label.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    Master cleanses end in master fails.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Master cleanses end in master fails.


    is there an amateur cleanse?
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 166 Member
    Master cleanses end in master fails.


    is there an amateur cleanse?

    ^^ And how do you go from amateur to intermediate to MASTER? Fail three times I suppose... ^^

    Seriously, I would not recommend trying it! Look into what it will do to your liver. You need fresh foods, lots of water and other caffeine-free beverages and a good amount of healthy fibre. THAT will cleanse you...and you'll feel much better! JMNSHO.

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I want to challenge myself with this with the hopes that it will help me with eating healthier.
    Why not cut out the detox middleman and just challenge yourself to eat healthier? :huh:

    You've got the tools right here at your fingertips with MFP - log your food, every bite, weigh and measure all of it and track it in your food diary. Realize that it's a learning process, and the food diary is an excellent teacher - look over your days and weeks, see where you've done well, and where you can improve. On days you went over, look at what foods contributed to that, and were they wise choices, or worth the cals? If you're way under, figure out what healthy calorie dense foods you can add to help meet your goal (nuts, avocados, etc).

    This process leads to the life changes that stick, permanent improvements that you can live with - not some temporary detox or cleanse, which as many have said, result in possible weight loss, but anything lost is usually regained and then some.

    Temporary changes get ya temporary results.

    Eat well, exercise, drink water, get good rest, repeat. And have patience - it takes time, but it's totally worth it.
  • najmommy
    najmommy Posts: 19 Member
    Wow!! First off I'd like to say I appreciate everyone's honesty. I know that u want to know the y behind my reason for wanting to deyox. It's simple I want to get healthy!! I am a person who loves fast food, sweets, soda, and sitting. I have tried eating right on my own and for some reason after a day or too I say f it and go grab a double cheeseburger n fries. I am finally ready to say enough is enough.

    Now i will be honest the 10 day lemonade plan is really not for me after i posted i did more research. And long story short I don't want to get sick or be mean to everyone around me. I am still going to detox but I think I found something that is much more healthy.

    Three days of nothing but veggies and fruits. This seems much more realistic and I can handle three days of fresh juice. Its from Dr. Oz, the three day cleanse
  • sdonovan4
    sdonovan4 Posts: 155 Member
    if your going to do a detox try www.rebootwithjoe.com I have done it for 15 days and it works great.
  • najmommy
    najmommy Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the tip :)
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I'm pretty sure a bad curry will give you the same results. :laugh:

    Learning to eat healthy is a matter of practice. There are no gimmicks.

    These charlatans are just making a fast buck off of hopeful people who think this is a magic pill.

    Maybe google images of complications of diabetes for motivation.

    Seeing these fairly young women in hospital suffering like they were and they had lovely families having to come to the hospital to visit them,instead of being healthy and playing outside with their children and grandchildren, did it for me.

    When I want something unhealthy, I picture the 2 ladies with the amputations. I really don't want that.
  • jomitsui
    jomitsui Posts: 4
    Wow!! First off I'd like to say I appreciate everyone's honesty. I know that u want to know the y behind my reason for wanting to deyox. It's simple I want to get healthy!! I am a person who loves fast food, sweets, soda, and sitting. I have tried eating right on my own and for some reason after a day or too I say f it and go grab a double cheeseburger n fries. I am finally ready to say enough is enough.

    Now i will be honest the 10 day lemonade plan is really not for me after i posted i did more research. And long story short I don't want to get sick or be mean to everyone around me. I am still going to detox but I think I found something that is much more healthy.

    Three days of nothing but veggies and fruits. This seems much more realistic and I can handle three days of fresh juice. Its from Dr. Oz, the three day cleanse

    Definitely better, good luck! Drink more water.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You iust got plenty of good advice re a ridiculous idea and then decide to do it anyway. Good luck with that.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    No cleanse or detox or any other gimmick will take away the urge to have a cheeseburger and fries. There's only 2 ways around that one. You either develop the willpower to say no and walk away or you work your budget so you can eat those foods on occasion. Usually a little bit of both goes a long way.

    If you crave cheeseburgers and usually cave in to that then eating fruits and veggies for 3 days a la Dr Quack's diet plan isn't going to change that. If you can't commit to eating better and exercising I guarantee you that nothing Dr Oz, Joe. a miracle cleanse or any other gimmick is going to do to fix it.

    Losing weight and getting healthy starts right between your ears. First you get your brain into a place where you can make the commitment and then you start a healthy lifestyle. Even if you take baby steps at first it's a start in the right direction. Start off by logging all your food accurately. Weight and measure everything. Every last morsel that crosses your lips including beverages. See where you're going wrong and make some changes. Commit to some kind of physical activity every day. A 30 minute walk, a DVD at home, anything that gets you off the couch.

    You don't need to cleanse or detox. You'll only be miserable, lose a few pounds of water weight and be right back looking for a cheeseburger. There's tons of info and people to support you on this site. Make use of it instead of searching for the next quick fix.