Humidity and asthma

Hi all.
With the humidity, I haven't been doing a whole lot of exercise. It's difficult to breathe in this weather. I hope the weather breaks so I can go back to walking, etc. Are there other asthma sufferers out there and what do you do when you can't exercise?


  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    You could try walking in an air conditioned gym or mall.
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Yeah, my asthma can be a problem at different times of the year. My least favorite is everyone telling me I should continue running in late fall and winter. My asthma cannot handle exercising below 40 degrees.

    The humidity is bad, its true. Do you have AC? Maybe doing a video or something inside would be a good option. Also, its important to keep exercising without symptoms. Do you take a your inhaler ten minutes before exercising? That will help. Maybe see your doctor about getting a daily steroid inhaler to prevent symptoms?
  • Jozie236
    Jozie236 Posts: 47 Member
    Do you belong to a gym? I'd recommend getting a membership somewhere (they may have a planet fitness in your area, these are generally only $10.00 a month). I say a gym membership because most gyms have better AC than you prob. have you in your home, which I say is a must. Then, I think you should just take it easy with the cardio - a moderate walk, bike, or precor, and then maybe some light weights or Abs on a machine. You should probably stay off the floor with all the dust. For me, exercising outside is always difficult because I cannot breathe in the cold air or very warm or humid air so it always seems like I am making up excuses when I am really not. Good luck.
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member
    I have extermely bad asthma issues. I have been an asthmatic my whole life. This year has been the worst for me. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks for the first time in about 10-12 years. The most outside activity I do is swimming. I do exercise DVDS in the house with the AC on and I will go to the fitness room on in my apartment community (which has AC).

    In addition, I always have water on hand, asthma medicine and nebulizer (at least close by) and I make sure that I keep in constant contact with my pulmonary specialist and PCP to keep my meds at the apporpriate levels.

    Although sometimes it is still tough. Just recently with the temperature being over 100 degrees here, I had an attack and had to be placed on a regimen of steroids (prednisone).

    I think the most important thing is to just keep moving! It doesn't have to be a heart blasting, panting, pouring sweat workout. Sometimes I just walk or do a short 20 minute cardio routine. Once I have build up my stamina, I do a couple at a time, maybe up to an hour.
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I to have asthma which I have had all of my life. I live in Texas and the humidity here has been very high most of the summer so far and it sucks!! On top of that it's been raining here a lot this summer and it makes it even worse on my breathing. I exercise inside during the summer because it's just not worth it for me to go out in this heat and humidity and end up having an attack that can and has kept me in bed for two or more days even with meds.

    I do Leslie Sansome walking CD's and I love them , it's how I get my 1-3 mile walk in daily during the summer months. I also exercise on my wii with the biggest loser quite a bit and I love that :) Any ways I stay in and exercise during the summer months here which sucks because we have a long summer here in Texas , usually our summers last into November although the humidity does get lower during the fall and the temps go down into the 70's to 80's instead of the 100's so it's still a break LOL.

    I hope you find something that works for you to get your exercise in , good luck!!
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member

    I do Leslie Sansome walking CD's and I love them, it's how I get my 1-3 mile walk in daily during the summer months. I also exercise on my wii with the biggest loser quite a bit and I love that :)

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the Biggest Loser DVDS and Jillian Michaels workouts!!! I just started doing Leslie Sansome...AWESOME!!! I also have become fond of Cardioke with Billy Blanks Jr!!