Any swimmers?

Hey everyone,

I haven't posted much, but essentially I have had 3 back to back pregnancies and am now about 18 lbs below pre-pregnancy weight! I'm pretty happy with my weight where it is (147 at 5'10) but I am a very avid exerciser (swam a mile a day till 3 days before my last baby was born)

Anyway, my goals are now more fitness/ health oriented than weight loss... Eating a super clean whole foods diet and of course exercise. I currently swim 3 days a week, do a day of yoga and try to get in at least one strength session a week. With 5 children the stress relief alone is awesome. Does anyone swim? I LOVE it, have been lap swimming 11 years and do a lot of Hiit with it, also always working on technique.... My mile is about 30 minutes currently. I'm trying to improve though :)


  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I swim twice a week- I started because an injury stopped me from running and biking. Have been weight training for about seven months - which has helped my injury a bit. My mile is slower probably 35 minutes but I'm working on it. I never swam competitively but played water polo in college/- add me as a friend if you like