Net Calories vs Calories

Can somebody explain this. Is my daily goal suppose to be the net calories or calories number?


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    It can be either one depending on how you've got your account set up. If you haven't manually changed anything with your MFP account, just log your food and log your exercise honestly and accurately here. As you log your exercise, your calorie goal on MFP will increase. Just try to stay under the number MFP gives you, and be mindful that sometimes the calories MFP gives you for exercise can be a little too generous. :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Each day's food log begins with your calorie target calculated as your maintenance needs minus your weight loss target deficit. As you eat and log food, your "remaining" calories number declines toward, and sometimes to and below, 0. As you do and log exercise, those exercise calories are credited to your calorie allowance and your "remaining" calories number rises.

    "Net" calories is a substitute word used to describe your "remaining" calories. You won't find "Net" on your food diary, but you will see "Remaining". That's what "net" is used to describe.