How to stay on track when traveling?

I'm really close to goal (2 lbs to go!) and am thrilled with the changes I've made in my life. Im eating more healthfully (even cooking now vs eating processed crap previously), getting to the gym everyday (60 min cardio/d at least 5x/wk with kickboxing and Zumba, and have started adding a couple of strength training workouts/wk), getting at least 8 glasses of water in a day (gave up Diet Coke) -- in short, it's been an awesome lifestyle change. My problem -- and I'm hoping you all can help -- is upcoming travel. How do you keep on track? Some habits (e.g. Water) will be easy; others far more difficult. I'm hoping to get to a gym in the hotel or go for a walk everyday while traveling (not quite the fun or calorie burn of Zumba), but what do you do about food? Are there certain things you pack with you? How do you track stuff at events where you didn't make the food? I really really really don't want to regain everything I've lost... I intend to be mindful, but could really use suggestions or tips from pros who have been in my situation. Thanks so much!


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited September 2017
    Take healthy snacks or buy some when you arrive if possible. Portion control is your friend. So are protein bars.

    Eat half of what's served. Estimate calories from the database as best you can.

    Try using MFP search function for "travel" and you should get about 5000 threads on this topic with lots of great ideas.

    Are you travelling by air or car? For how long? Will you have refrigerator available? Lots of options depending on circumstances but we don't really know your situation. I wouldn't worry much about 2 days, but for 2 months you'll need a plan.

    Congrats on reaching your by goal!
  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    Thanks so much @lorrpb I have a few trips planned. The first is a two day road trip. Not sure if the hotel has a fridge. Next is a three day air trip. Ditto on hotel. Then I've got a 10 day trip to Brazil. Yeesh. On all of these, there will be some served meals. I'll take your advice on portions and taking some healthy snacks... will also search for "travel" threads -- thanks again!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    My rule of thumb is one piece of bread, one glass of wine, limit pasta & potatoes for calories, split dessert when possible. Cheese sticks & yogurt will keep a few days with no fridge. Protein bars, apples, etc for snacks. Often you are more active when travelling unless going to meetings, so that can help offset extra calories.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    It's very different traveling for work vs. leisure, for me anyway. When I take weekend trips or vacations they are often centered on physical activity (all day hiking or city walking for 8 hours) so I pretty much eat "whatever" though don't go totally nuts with alcohol since I want to feel good & energetic for each day of travel. Work travel is way easier to me because I just stick with a small breakfast and lunch and then have "whatever" for dinner, but maybe don't eat the bread/chips before the meal, or have a half portion, etc.

    I do think regardless of the type of travel, sleep is MORE important for me in feeling great and staying on track with healthy habits than any other factor. So I make a major effort to go to bed at a decent hour and get my 8 hours of sleep. Boring, but helpful.

    When I dine out (traveling, visiting others, or just normal life) I tend to be pretty methodical about what I will eat. I eat things like burgers, pie, etc. But I will be careful about my portions and totally will not even touch things I deem unworthy of my calories. Sometimes you just have to guesstimate what you are eating. I had a big bowl of ramen for dinner tonight with different types of seafood in it (at a restaurant) and I seriously have no clue if it was 500 or 1,500 calories and I hate that lack of control...but it was awesome. And tomorrow, I'll eat healthy things.

    Unless you are traveling more than 25% of the time, I doubt it will be a huge problem. Good luck!
  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    Thanks @lorrpb and @seltzermint555! I'm traveling for work so the other hit is a lot of time sitting... but I'm going to try to get at least a walk in a day (if I can't get to a gym). I also found some exercise videos online which I hopefully can do if my hotel room is big enough. Will definitely have to watch portions and will make "no bread" a rule. Will also pack some snacks and keep my fingers crossed I don't sabotage myself... even if I just maintain while away I'll be happy. I just don't want to gain. I'm a complete turtle when it comes to weight loss -- pounds seem to have no problem sticking on, but have a lot of difficulty coming off! Thanks again for the advice!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Resistance bands or a TRX strap are easy to pack & can give you a great workout.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    On vacation I enjoy myself...not to say I go nuts, but I enjoy myself. You aren't going to gain all of the weight back on vacation.

    I also move a lot more on vacation.

    I travel quite a bit and have never put on actual weight (fat) on a vacation...water weight from air travel and whatnot, yes...but not fat.