Uneven Muscle Growth

So I have been Pole Dancing for almost a year now (Originally 1 class a week - But for the last two months it has been twice a week)

A majority of the moves requires you to lift your whole bodyweight with your right arm now I have noticed quite a difference in my muscle mass between both arms (biceps mainly).
Does anyone have any suggestions to help my left arm to catch up, I've been considering starting another arm day at the gym but then I wonder is 2 days of Pole Dancing as well as an arm day at the gym too much?
Or should I just focus on lifting heavy weights with my weaker arm for 30 mins a couple times a week

I would really like to even them out as quickly as possible because some days I swear I can feel the weight difference between my arms whilst sitting at my desk at work, such as today & the thought is driving me mental :S

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :)


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Is it required that you use your right arm? Maybe try doing the routine left handed?
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    I asked my personal trainer that same thing...No there is nothing you can do
  • oxlisaxo91
    oxlisaxo91 Posts: 67 Member
    Unfortunately yes it's required, there are certain grips you must use when doing certain moves.

    There are some moves I do my best to try and use my left arm but because it is so much weaker the move doesn't end up as good and I just resort back to my right arm in defeat.
  • Desert_flower3
    Desert_flower3 Posts: 58 Member
    One of my friend is a professional tennis player. he plays tennis every single day for 5 hours or more. One of his arms is bigger than the other one .... you should workout the other parts when you are not doing pole dancing
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Just buy a Free weight way 10 or 15 pounds and just do some bicep/tricep exercise later in the afternoon after your classes. Surely it'll catch up.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    Does your pole gym offer regular pole workout classes? We had one that was called bootycamp, and we would have to pull ourselves up and do a lot of strength moves with our weaker (left) arm. If not, I'd say yes, just try to lift heavy with your left arm on gym days.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    We're all a little asymmetrical. One arm being bigger is common, generally the dominant one.

    How much bigger are we talking about here?
  • oxlisaxo91
    oxlisaxo91 Posts: 67 Member
    They don't have any other classes that I know of but they are moving to a new studio soon so they might start some, I will keep an eye out!

    What is everyone's opinion on doing weights after/before cardio.
    I do cardio 3 times a week, is doing weights targeting my weaker arm after these sessions worthless?

    (Edit added):
    We're all a little asymmetrical. One arm being bigger is common, generally the dominant one.

    How much bigger are we talking about here?

    Enough to see the difference easily when I flex my muscles, I am unsure of measurements - I can do these when I get home tonight after work.