Getting Married In March '18 - Need to Shed 40 Kg's!

So I am getting Married in March 2018 and have less than 6 months to shed my weight from 132 Kg's all the way down to 90 Kg's since I want to look my level best during the wedding ceremony.

Now as per my daily routine, I am occupied with work starting 5am till 7pm (Travel, Job, House Chores) so rest of the day I am left with spare time for recreation and recovery.

Since I will have 2 hours in a day in total to fit in my workout and preparing my meals for the next day, I would like to know any suggestions as to the most optimal diet and nutritional plan to shed them excess pounds (I plan to workout in my home, I have got a pair of dumbells and barbells upto 150 Kg's each) and an old Yoga Mat so I have to make due with them.

All suggestions are welcome (Ps: I have had experience in weight lifting and sports back in my teenage years, I am 25 now)


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    The only diet that works 100% of the time is less calories than you need. Some people find IF helps, some find keto helps, some just eat less of what they usually eat. Make sure it's something you can stick to long-term and not a just-to-lose-weight-now thing. Workouts, do whatever catches your interest. You can often find a lot of different types of workouts on youtube and could probably find stuff for what you have or can do at home. Body weights are pretty good if you don't have equipment at home or don't wish to join a gym. It's mostly the eating that's going to do it for you however, but exercise whilst losing weight will help you maintain muscle mass. Also, don't dip below 1500 calories a day.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I'd start with a more realistic goal - otherwise there's going to be just so much disappointment and you'll likely give up.

    Set up your calorie goal in MFP. Log as accurately as possible. Food scale for all solids. Measuring cups/spoons for all liquids. Use the recipe builder. Use accurate entries. Log everything that passes your lips. Be conservative with exercise calories. Skip all the fad diets, magic potions/pills and other nonsense. Don't be too extreme - some of the crazy rapid weight loss plans can leave you looking and feeling awful - the opposite of what you want on your wedding day.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    You've got your work cut out for you! I think 40 kg may be a little optimistic. However, you can definitely lose enough to look noticeably better.

    YouTube workout videos are helpful. I like fitness blender. A combination of cardio and strength training is good for weight loss while retaining muscle. Find a beginner strength program which works with the equipment you have. Best of luck to you!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited September 2017
    Read the Most Helpful Posts:

    This will help you to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, and perhaps more importantly, keep it off for good.

    The last thing you want to do is starve yourself on a "Lose 40 kg in 6 months" crash diet, then crash and burn, and gain it all back and MORE after you're married.

    (ETA: I lost 35 kg in 12 months, and have kept it off 17 months so far.)
  • displaced1
    displaced1 Posts: 73 Member
    In the time you have during the day, spend more of it meal planning and prepping vs exercising. A lot of people find better success in preventing calories in with healthy meals/snacks vs trying to work off a bunch of calories.

    Start slow. At first, start logging everything daily and being more mindful of how many calories you're consuming. Invest in a food scale and get used to weighing food (or at least measuring it), to have honest data.

    Drink lots of water.

    Learn to cook if you don't know how, or at least have healthy food for you to choose from at home. It's hard to choose something healthy to eat if there's none at home.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    khan2187 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for your valuable feedback & support.

    I will try to keep my weight loss at a reasonable and realistic pace for the 6 months I have got.

    Great advice here in this thread. Remember too, that the wedding is day, the marriage is a little longer. Get on the road now, and if you do it right, you might find the healthy way is the most rewarding - and even a little addicting, especially when you realize how much more you can do when healthy. This is going to be 80% food choice and 20% exercise - give or take. You'll get thinner with a healthy deficit, you'll get fitter with exercise. They really work well together.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    When I have a busy schedule for the upcoming week. I do my meal prep on Sunday. Cut my salads up for lunch. Have my proteins ready to go (season so all have to is cook them off, I have an oven at work) and make a large pot of soup or a casserole to have for dinner. This way I already know how many calories I am eating with out thinking about it. When I am busy on Sunday I will do the frozen vegetable packs and proteins. I got a treadmill for the living room so that way I can't back out of a walk because my shows are on. I also have resistance bands in my purse so I have do different work outs when I am at work on break or riding home as a passenger.