Running in high altitudes



  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I would strongly suggest you arrive three days prior to adjust to both the altitude and drier climate. If you can't, then please drink lots of water a few days prior. Altitude sickness is a real condition. Not everyone gets it but it happens frequently. Staying hydrated will help prevent it. And the others are right about the sun. It's must more intense at a higher elevation
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I would highly recommend arriving at least a few days early to help let your body acclimate to the higher elevation. I live at elevation and we've had relatives and friends come into town from sea level and they have very real issues with altitude sickness, particularly if they're exerting themselves...symptoms are similar to the flu or a really bad hangover.

    You're going to need to go at an easier pace and you're going to need to drink more water as you dehydrate faster at elevation due to your kidneys producing more urine.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't have much to add. But I know that when NBA teams have to play in Denver, or the soccer teams have to play in Salt Lake City, they either arrive a day or more early, so they can get a workout -- or couple of workouts -- in at altitude, or they fly in right before game time. I don't know why the second strategy works. But supposedly it does.
    Altitude really effects me. I live an hour from the Lake Tahoe area. If I go up there and run, I am fagged from the start of my run. But, usually I am much much better by the second run.
  • kathleenneriducharme
    I live there! Park City is at 7,000 ft. Some people find they can hardly catch their breath walking, others don't feel it much. If there are many climbs on the course you might struggle. As others have said dehydration is a big issue. Some people get headaches and sleep disturbance from the altitude. DH had a nose bleed for two weeks when we first came here

    The rest of my post got lost...
    The other thing to remember is the UV is really intense so lots of sunscreen!
    Have a great time and welcome to a really great place. Enjoy!

    I've been to Park City many times. It is beautiful, but I haven't ever run there.