I have no WHY to keep me going.



  • jkh64
    jkh64 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been over weight for many years. I always made jokes about it but it is truly depressing. I used to be active and confident now I just feel like a loser. I am not motivated and very lazy due to lack of energy. You do have a why you are the why. You here first step done. Got to the Dr. they will help with weight loss and depression. I don't now how to connect on here but we can figure it out. I will help you if you will help me. I have over 100lbs to lose. Maybe we were meant to meet here today
  • Sugarnspice1922
    Sugarnspice1922 Posts: 144 Member
    Its good that your reaching out! But please get some couseling. Talking is good

    In the meantime i hope you get positive support here because you matter :)
  • NR81206
    NR81206 Posts: 54 Member
    Do you like music?? Music really helps me, especially during my ... I guess you can call them episodes? Anyways, I turn on some music whatever I may be in the mood for and I just go for a walk, and tune the rest of the world out.. it's really helps me. I have Major Depression, along with other stuff.. I refuse to take meds for it.. I also refuse to speak to someone about my feelings when they won't have a freaking clue on how I feel. Sometimes counseling and medications don't work for everyone.... I know they don't work for me, I've tried...
  • smokinbluegrass
    smokinbluegrass Posts: 126 Member
    you need to treat the depression first. speak to a friend or family member and see the doctor.

    This. A bazillion percent this.

    I have fought severe and chronic depression for decades, alone, and failed more than once at making myself die. Even putting myself in situations where circumstance should make me die didn't work out. A month ago, I finally sought help.

    There are other complicating issues for me (lots of concussions and a couple good TBIs that never got rehabbed, plus some severe trauma that was healed until one of the TBIs broke my brain), so it's gonna be a minute before I get better. I liken it to fighting cancer alone, forever, without treatment.

    Point is, there's help for everyone. Even if you don't care whether you live or die, someone does. A lot. And it could be someone you haven't even met yet.
  • annie22uk
    annie22uk Posts: 8 Member
    Lots of great responses. Keep going. I hope you find some positives in the replies here. You mentioned if you weighed less you'd feel less depressed and be able to go out more and create a life for yourself. It's so possible. People lose weight with MyFitnessPal. I regularly read the Success Stories and it gives me hope and motivation to carry on. There are people who have lost tonnes of weight and turned their lives around. Don't give up. Every journey begins with a single step. Make friends on here for your support and keep going :)
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    edited October 2017
    Get some help--there are therapists online that are reasonably priced and can help you through this.

    I have clinical depression with suicidal ideation. When I have a relapse, grabbing the safety razors from the spare bathroom suddenly seems like a really good idea. Whenever my mood drops, my therapist tells me to wait it out because it is temporary. It will pass. You won't feel like *kitten* forever, and if you do something rash because of your mood it won't help anything. All you have to do is wait it out. Nothing else.

    You will feel better. Not good, maybe, but better than you feel now. And you have an idea of the person you want to be. Focus on that. Life's not easy, but it's not always miserable.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 536 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    Agree, you need to find some mental health professionals to help treat your depression.

    But this question occurred to me, what if you weighed 250lbs? Do you think you'd feel differently?

    If I weighed 250 pounds would be less depressed and more capable of pushing myself to eat right and move more. I would also be able to go out in the world and create a life for myself resulting in e becoming more happy.

    Then I think you found that "WHY". If you believe you'll be less depressed at 250 pounds, go get that 250 pounds. Going out in the world and creating a life resulting in becoming more happy sure sounds like a better future than a one without you in it.
  • Sunnyme333
    Sunnyme333 Posts: 27 Member
    After getting some help for the depression focus on taking the first steps instead of the whole journey. Set small goals for your self. We are all cheering you on.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Lookup Boogie2988 on Youtube. He was at 500lbs (now 400+) and he's done alot of videos about his weight. Check him out. You can probably relate to him.
    Some of the stuff is not easy to listen to, but he's one of the nicest guys on the internet.
  • katenix08
    katenix08 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey bud, I hope you're okay. I know how hopeless it feels when you can't find a "why". But the thing is, maybe without knowing why, you put this post up and now you have 30 friends that want to see you succeed. These threads are posted under the heading "Community" for a reason! We are all here to support each other and it's a two way street. We can find our "whys" together, one day at a time. So add me...why? Because I need a friend and also cuz
    I think your hat is pretty dope