Here goes nothing!

Making a determined start here and can't wait to power my way down a dress size or two!

After moving country/hemisphere, taking on a stressful job, having a shed load of family and financial worries... I somehow gained 2 dress sizes and 48 lbs within 10 months! Yikes right? People say I don't "look" overweight but I think they are just being kind lol. I could do with being confident in my summer wardrobe before the NZ summer arrives in a couple of months. Plus, I'd like to be able to take my inflatable fishing boat out without my end being all... low in the water... ya know? lol

But here is the undoubtedly radical part...

I have no intention of counting calories to start with. I know... I know... what am I doing using MFP right? I've joined MFP to get some community support to stay accountable, as I know it will keep me going and exercising regularly enough to make that ticker go down :)

My diet is balanced and healthy and I cook 99% of my food myself, with more than half of it grown in my own garden and the other half from the local farmers market. This makes loading things into MFP an absolute nightmare so I'm going to skip it to start with. I'm convinced that my problems are with evening alcohol (I've developed a habit of taking medicinal liquid calories to offset the stressful day job lol) and with a lack of exercise over the past 10 months.

So, yesterday I hooked my phone up MFP, hooked that to a new Fitbit, hooked both of those up to my Withings scale, added a bunch of Pals, drank my last glass of wine... and I'm going to thrash off the flab in a respectable, orderly fashion without committing myself to a food prison. If that doesn't work, then I'll admit defeat and start calorie counting :)

So far, I've done two days on the cross trainer and I'm off to do another now. It feels like a good start so here's hoping the first week shows a little progress!