Work out question

When I first signed up for the gym I meet with a trainer. She helped me set up a workout and I have stayed pretty muchly to that workout I have added a few more machines along the way but it has pretty muchly stayed the same. Anyways, whenever she meet with me she said that I should do one set at a time on one machine then go to the next and rotate around that way. Well last night I did a set rested a few mins then did another set. The workout didn't seem to take as long but I still felt like I got a good workout. Is there any difference in which way I do the sets?


  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    I usually chose which day i want to work my arms and legs for instance i may work arms M-W-F and Legs T- TH-S and do cardio for 5 mins before i start and then switch it up the next week so that my body doesn't get use to the work out. but it really doesn't matter which order you use the machines in as long as you don't over work your muslce. I hope that helps you out. good luck with your workouts.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    The trainer I met with at the gym a few weeks ago, states to finish the sets on each machine before moving on to the next machine

    However I dont think it makes much of a difference which way you do it......I sometimes finish on one machine, and sometimes I rotate with my girlfriend.
  • la4et
    la4et Posts: 134 Member
    Do whatever keeps you from getting bored. I move on after each set and if time permit do the rotation again.
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    You don't want to do the same type and tempo of workout over and over. You have to keep your muscles guessing otherwise you'll stall with your progress. Don't be afraid to switch it up!
  • buttercupke
    Thanks for the advice!!!