


  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Detox and apparently it gives you loads of energy, clears your skin, nourishes your body, helps to stop craving for bad foods etc in the movies they make it so appealing!! They also states that any animal based food is destroying our health so changing to plant based is the best

    Bogus, unscientific claptrap. Don't fall for it.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I like to make a fresh juice daily--either a green juice or a juice based on beets and other vegetables. I don´ t use it as a meal replacement but a way to get additional vegetables. I have a masticator juicer (start at $300 each) and it is excellent! They can also make nut milks and I make almond milk for a breakfast smoothie. The centrifigal juicers are not good. I´ve had a few before I finally upgraded to the slow masticator juicer. The cheap juicers make a lot of pulp and also oxide the produce in the process, which kills a lot of the nutrients.

    In the past I have done a couple of juice fasts (with a centrifugal juicer) but I would not recommend more than 3 days--and I also ate fruits and vegetables in addition to juice once for 2 weeks. You can lose weight very fast since you aren´t taking in that many calories BUT if you just go back to eating afterwards (and not in a deficit) you will just gain the weight back, which is what happened to me! Had I not done a couple of juice fasts, I´d be about 40 lbs. lighter.
  • s_petkauskaite
    s_petkauskaite Posts: 12 Member
    So after reading all this I decided that I will choose smoothies! Lol thank you all, the only reason I was quite hooked on the movies based on all plants diets is that I thought it does make sense as you don't see movies stating please eat meat it's good for you and blah blah just thought maybe they are right? They want us to eat meat and all animal based foods to be sick so they can make money from us buying medicines and gym memberships cuz we fat lol anyway big thanks all
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I've seen Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. The guy who did it, who has the Reboot site, seems to have been able to keep the weight off. He had some serious health issues, so it was probably sheer motivation to get well that got him down to decent weight on just juices. He also drank a LOT of juices every day and I don't think most people with a regular job have the time to make all the juice that he did. I know that one of the guys in that first movie lost weight and then regained it all back and then some. From what I had seen on the web site there is no mention of calories or transition back to regular eating, but then I haven't looked at it in the last couple of years.

    I do believe that some people could benefit from cutting back on meat and animal based foods and also that there is a big dairy and meat industry that would lose money if everyone became a vegan tomorrow. The diet/fitness industry also makes tons of money from people not able to lose weight and keep it off--as long as they keep trying.