Beginner rowing plans ??????

bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
edited September 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Now that I've decided to purchase a rower and found out the hard way what DOMS was :#:s:o
it quickly became obvious there was more to rowing than just hopping on and pulling the bar.
I used to do a lot of long distance running and am a firm believer in purposeful exercise. It appealed to me to know there was always a "method to my madness". Whether that meant hills, fartleks, negative splits, etc.
To me, the best part of running marathons was the training - I loved being able to look at my calendar and know what I needed to do that day .... Tuesday was speed day, Thursday was sprints, Sunday long run and so on.
Well osteoarthritis and 2 really bad knees put an end to my running hence the rower and my question.
Can anyone point me towards a good beginner rowing plan/program ?
The more specific the better please - lol... spell it out and draw me a picture. :)

If I'm going to invest my time and money I want to do it right.... and get better at it - I love a challenge and being able to track my improvement.

You all have always been awesome with your advice and knowledge and I thank you in advance for your help. :):):)


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    if you go to the concept2 website they have workouts of the day - divided up into short, medium and long - I tend to use those when I want to mix up my training a little bit
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    OP: I offered some advice in the other thread you just posted. Take a look at it.

    Concept 2 has a lot of videos on how to row properly, as already mentioned, and there are many other training videos available as well, but I think you said you've already looked at some. So, I think you need more direct assistance and it would be best if you contact a trainer at the gym you visited, who is also an experienced rower, to assess your form and to teach you how to row properly.

    Good luck!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,645 Member
    At Concept 2, some of the PDFs on the following page directly address your question about training plans:

    I agree with @sgt1372 about getting some coaching or in-person instruction if possible. This can be difficult, because there are way too many decent general-knowledge personal trainers who don't really know how to row well. (I say this as a long-term on-water rower, as well as machine rower, who's been coached by multiple University-level rowing coaches and some former Olympic rowers, as well as having at one point having had USRowing coaching certification myself.)

    Consider Concept2's instructor search, or a USRowing certified coach. Some rowing clubs offer rowing machine classes or workshops, especially in off-season.