New to mfp and keto looking for like minded individuals!

Hi all :)

I am 37 year old a single mom of 6 ages 16 - 1 yrs old. I am new on mfp, just downloaded it a couple days ago. And I am newly starting/transitioning to a keto diet.

My younger life I've been fairly thin without really doing anything except while pregnant and then afterward. But with the last 4 pregnancies I didn't lose all the weight before getting pregnant again. My youngest will be two in November and I'm holding on to an extra 30 lbs that I would like gone! I'd like to be healthy for me and my kids!

I'd love if you add me as a friend on this ap and we can encourage each other along the way! Being new to keto it would help see what others are eating and how you are keeping your macro levels!

Thanks all and I hope to get to know some of you! ❤️


  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,575 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Stay stick your calorie goal, be active and keep tracking your calories!! All the Best, Feel free to add me!!