McDonalds 'cheapest, most nutritious and bountiful food' ?



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    23 grams of protien for a dollar is a pretty good deal.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member

    At 390 calories, 23 grams of protein, 7-percent of the daily value of fiber, 20-percent of daily calcium and 19 grams of fat.

    Those are good numbers, you add a salad to that and you have a great meal that will fill you up and keep you moving.

    My mouth just started watering. I've been proudly McD free since last Halloween though.

    19grams of fat is NOT a good number.

    Wow, everyone's worried about the fat. The fat and the protein are the ONLY healthy things in there. (Time for a few of us to brush up on the latest info about fat. Fat is healthy, especially natural sources of saturated fat.)
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I think the fact that the poorest counties in the United States have the highest incidence of obesity is strong evidence that getting enough calories isn't the problem.

    I also argue with parts of their premise. I eat plenty of produce - although I rarely buy organic - and don't spend anywhere near 36 dollars a day to eat. Anyone who thinks a McDouble is more nutritious than a salad is crazy. Vitamins, minerals, and fiber from whole foods are always going to win over enriched white bread and an entree high in saturated fat. I'll take my mixed greens with chicken and chickpeas over the McDouble any day.

    You are so right! The southwest grilled chicken salad costs about the same as the Big Mac meal but it gets you much healthier food.

    I bought a big pack of fresh boneless skinless chicken breasts a couple of days ago at the grocery store for $10 and it turns out we are getting 3-4 dinners out of it! Healthy food seems to cost more but generally it is because you get many more servings in it, so when calculated by servings or meals it will cost about the same as any other foods.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I think the fact that the poorest counties in the United States have the highest incidence of obesity is strong evidence that getting enough calories isn't the problem.

    I also argue with parts of their premise. I eat plenty of produce - although I rarely buy organic - and don't spend anywhere near 36 dollars a day to eat. Anyone who thinks a McDouble is more nutritious than a salad is crazy. Vitamins, minerals, and fiber from whole foods are always going to win over enriched white bread and an entree high in saturated fat. I'll take my mixed greens with chicken and chickpeas over the McDouble any day.

    You can't just make that claim with any salad. There are plenty of salads out there with little nutritional value (or too much nutritional value if the consumer doesn't burn that many calories ;P)

    Honestly, with the salads I tend to eat, it would be. I'm not big on salads. I'd rather have roasted, steamed, or baked veggies. My salads usually consist of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and balsamic vinegar. It's a lot lower calories than a McDouble, but there's no protein, no fat, few vitamins. Certainly not a significant amt more vitamins than the McDouble with it's lettuce, tomato, pickle and onion. It's basically a source of fiber and a carbs (filler) and that's it.

    On the other end of the spectrum, think of a typical chopped salad. Diced deli meats and cheeses, hard boiled egg, usually a ranch or creamy dressing with lettuce, tomato, onion, maybe bacon. Easy to get more calories than the McDouble, more fat, more protein, more fiber.
  • markphillipscpa
    markphillipscpa Posts: 1 Member
    I have lived your travel like and know your pain. Oatmeal packets were my friend.
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member

    Ever wonder how they make the food look so good? It ALMOST looks worth eating. I haven't eaten at a McDonalds for years, but if you get an experienced food stylist (yes, a FOOD STYLIST) and art director to work with the best food photographers, even McDonalds food doesn't look bad. Check out this link and the accompanying Youtube link:

    HERE is the link to the Youtube video:
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member

    Ever wonder how they make the food look so good? It ALMOST looks worth eating. I haven't eaten at a McDonalds for years, but if you get an experienced food stylist (yes, a FOOD STYLIST) and art director to work with the best food photographers, even McDonalds food doesn't look bad. Check out this link and the accompanying Youtube link:

    HERE is the link to the Youtube video:

    $150 a hour?! Dang, I know what I want to be when I grow up :laugh:
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    In the way they define it (it's specifically limited in scope to cost-per-calorie), it's pretty hard to argue against it. Unless you're willing to call single ingredient fats "food" as they choose to define it -- for instance, lard would likely have a significantly lower cost-per-calorie -- the McDouble likely wins.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member

    At 390 calories, 23 grams of protein, 7-percent of the daily value of fiber, 20-percent of daily calcium and 19 grams of fat.

    Those are good numbers, you add a salad to that and you have a great meal that will fill you up and keep you moving.

    which was just my lunch.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I agree, i was like, wow pretty offensive to basically say poor people can afford McDonalds but nothing else

    I wouldn't call that offensive. What I would call offensive is a comment that says poor people go to McDonald's because they're too stupid to want anything else.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Just because someone went to college doesn't mean they know what they're doing.
    Just because someone got hired doesn't mean they know what they're doing.
    All it means is that they went to college and got hired, and says nothing of whether their employer is getting their money's worth.
    I agree totally! Unless.....they slept at a holiday inn the night before;)
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Of course it's cheaper! The rich people want the poor people to get fat sick and die!
    Not sure what planet you live on man! Then not sure why I wasted my time commenting on such a ludicrous post...
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Not gonna rehash all the prior "cost per calorie, good; cost per nutritional value, not-so-much" posts. However, I do wish that there was a public service campaign to show that eating healthy doesn't have to be more expensive than eating junk food. I wish that public schools taught it as part of curriculum, but the powers-that-be can't even see how funding education has a bigger bang than funding incarceration. I wish that the Food/Cooking channels had more shows to show how to cook simple, quick, inexpensive meals that are healthy, balanced, and taste good; however, the competition and gluttony shows are all the rage now.
    Oh, well, head out of the clouds now. I just make sure that I teach me and mine and spread the word as I can without getting all kinds of preachy! </soapbox>
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Also, just because healthy food exists, doesn't mean people immediately have access to it.
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    McDonalds is nasty, I'm a big girl and I hate it but it has NOTHING to do with people being obese. No one forced it down my gullet, and no one told me to keep feeding myself, even when I was well past full.

    For some, McDonalds is an every day affair, and they are healthy in appearance, and quite possibly even on the inside. They're usually active and are just on the go.

    Also, I must say, not everyone has time to prepare bulk meals for a family of five while waking up at 4 in the morning to go to work! My mom will probably keel over from her workload alone. So please, don't go saying 'EVERYONE' can cook a fresh, good for you meal and still get the groceries, the prep, cooking and cleaning done in their super busy days. I felt like that was an insult at my mom who can work 10+ hours sometimes and then comes home and gets to babysit her granddaughter while taking care of everyone elses needs in the household. (No, I do not live there anymore, thus why it is hard on her to find time for bulk prep).