Seniors looking for support!

Other seniors out there looking for the support and motivation to overcome obstacles of weight loss?


  • mer55
    mer55 Posts: 28 Member
    Yes, senior here! 62, battled weight issues all my life. Sometimes I win, sometimes I llose. I am also in Florida. I am very active, but we live too good a retirement mode! Love happy hours, and wine. Unfortunately, that leads to over eating and bad choices. So, I have re-evaluated my life and realize I need to make better choices and a lot less alcohol! I am 25 lbs overweight and decided to give up wine completely until I get under better control of my food choices. I will allow a splurge once a week. I also decided that this in not a diet or a temporary fix, I want to change some very bad eating and drinking habits for good! I know the obstacles are many but I need to feel better about myself. That's my #1 reason for the change. What is your story?
  • Carole4411
    Carole4411 Posts: 1 Member
    I am, girls! It's now October...don't know if you are still on here but I will look you both up!