How do i get my protein levels up?!



  • pettytheftandthuggary
    Sorry everyone! Im not getting notifications and completely spaced.
    That chart is super helpful! Will use it to meal plan in the future.
    Im trying to keep up my protein levels as i am breastfeeding, but also need to stay away from dairy as recommended for fatty liver. Trying to only consume "healthy fats" ie nuts/nut butter, avacado.
    Looking into some bean recipes and quinoa for more non meat friendly options. Most of what i look at now a days is vegan recipes, but eggs are a good call!
    I dont eat poultry very often, so this is something i will plan on upping on my next grocery trip. Turkey is on sale right now as its thanksgiving this weekend! (Canadian)
    I am not sure about whether i can use protein powders, due to my liver condition. I am waiting to see my dietician (another 3 wks). Will add that to my list of questions for him lol
    Thanks for all your responses! :D
  • pettytheftandthuggary
    Oh, and i HATE fish. Lol or I'd totally be eating that more. Only seafood i can stand is breaded&deep fried calamari, and thats not an option anymore due to the whole deepfried part. Haha
  • arielstiffler
    arielstiffler Posts: 10 Member
    Buy some protein powder. Sometimes you can find stuff on Amazon cheap. You can get unflavored or flavored. I get unflavored so I can add it in foods too.
  • Scubdup
    Scubdup Posts: 104 Member
    Another user of protein powder here. It's what I have for lunch, after my gym session. Flavours and "mixability" vary a lot, so I'd suggest that it's worth reading reviews and trying a few. I love the "Natural Chocolate" flavour I have at the moment - I mix with water, and it actually feels like a treat - that alone makes it so much more a sustainable part of my diet.

    Before I have had powders that weren't nearly as nice, and that makes it so much harder to stick at.
  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    I supplement with powders and bars, cause I've chosen a protein goal that I can't comfortably get through my food alone.

    My biggest tip is to focus on choosing your breakfast to get in a good amount of protein.
    It's easy enough to come up with ideas for lunch and dinner, but many conventional breakfast items have very little protein in.
    Eggs for breakfast may well be your friend!
    Also, look in to chicken sausages - I like Heck brand, but they're British so may not be of much help elsewhere.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    0% fat Greek Yoghurt is superb, 11 grams protein per 100g, 65 cals, so eat a 250 serving get 27g protein and 160 cals

    perfect solution, I'm eating it every day. Arla, Milibona and Fage brands all good

    I like the Arla version best, it is also reduced sugar