Favorite track workouts

Several members of my training group been doing some track work over the last month in preparation for both a 5k threshold test this weekend and a half marathon race in October.

Though we do a variety of speed work during the year, there are two in particular that seem to really help me. The first is based on 400's run continuously, toggling back and forth between 5k threshold pace and marathon pace.

So the basic workout includes a 1/2-1 mile warmup, then 16 x 400s, then 1/2mile cool down. Depending on the runner, the times for the 400s might look something like this:7:40(5k pace) then 9:00 (Mpace) alternating each lap. The great thing about this one is that it provides threshold work for 2 miles, and also requires continuous effort as you recover during each Mpace lap for a total of 5 miles. We also do 20x400's, for a 6 mile workout. This workout seems to really drive 5k pace (threshold) improvements.

The other track workout I like is the "popsicle stick" session. This is fun when done in a group. Each runner carries a small marking device, such as a popsicle stick, a piece of string, etc. The intervals are based on time, say 3 minutes, and there are 5 or 6 intervals in each session. The idea is to run the first one at a comfortable pace, and at the 3 minute mark, drop the marker and walk back to the starting point as recovery. The idea in the following 3 minute intervals is to move the stick farther each time. And if you start the first interval too fast, it becomes very hard to move the stick in the later intervals. If the runners are of similar abilities, the sessions can become very competitive. This workout reallys helps me understand pacing and how I should feel at different levels of effort.

Wondering what track workouts others do that are favorites.......