Mini goals set and rewards for this journey.... What are your mini goals?



  • changetime77
    changetime77 Posts: 30 Member
    FredGirlNZ wrote: »
    I'm just starting up, at almost exactly the same size as you. I like your goal weights - they seem far less intimidating than trying to get down to 85 straight away, which is my first final goal.
    Just wanted to say good luck!

    Welcome and good luck with becoming a loser.... lol.... Most of us here want to be losers it's cool.... I learnt long ago if I only focus on the final number i would just go its to hard instead of focusing on how far I'd come...

    Breaking it down is far less scary and I like to reward myself because I'm a mum, wife, daughter, sister and all that goes along with that so I forget about myself most of the time so this is my pat on the back... You should let us know your mini goals and what you reward is going to be even if it's a small thing....

    Good luck and let us know how you go...
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    To get night snacking under control!
  • lizasalsera
    lizasalsera Posts: 10 Member
    On September 11th 2017, I weighed in at 125 kilos. As I have at least half of that to lose, I decided to break it down to manageable mini goals - here they are:

    First 10 kilos - achieved this after six weeks and my work colleagues all celebrated on my behalf, LOL

    Next 10 kilos - currently 1.7 kilos into this mini goal

    Next 6 kilos - looking forward to this as once achieved, it will take my weight from the triple figures to double

    After that, I plan 5 kilo intervals as I anticipate the weight loss will become more difficult so making the targets more manageable should keep the motivation up.

    Why am I doing this? Quite frankly, I'm 55 years old and have been a salsa dancer for many, many years. I was diagnosed with bilateral osteoarthritis in both knees in 2014 and since then, I've had a lot of pain and cannot dance, which breaks my heart at times. My motivation is therefore to lose all these excess kilos and dance again. I'm so unhappy without having that one passion in my life and also, I fear the idea of knee replacements.

    All and any encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
  • thunderztormdk
    thunderztormdk Posts: 51 Member
    My first goal was getting down below 100kg. Going from triple to double was a big deal.

    My current goal is to get below 95 (again) - and then of course under 90, which I haven't been for at least a decade.
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    Hi and good luck. My first goal is to be 59.9 kgs. I was 60 kg at the beginning of the summer and then i went on a holiday. I promised myself that i would stop eating once my holiday is ended. When i returned home i was around 65 kgs and i just couldnt start dieting for 3 months and i am still eating like crazy. I always buy myself small size skinny jeans as a reward and motivation when i start on a diet but my diets usually end in a few days so i have never been to able wear any of them :) i have at least 4-5 skinny jeans size 34 which i cant fit in lol
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    I am pretty far along (lost 37 of 58) and a pound from my next milestone - what I was going to have as my goal when I first started the diet. I decided not to accept half measures from myself and changed my goal to get under a BMI of 25. The previous milestone I hit was dropping under 200. I allowed a fun size York Peppermint Patty and a KIND Mini because I had cut out all snacks until I hit that milestone. Then I started allowing myself fruit snacks. At this next milestone (within a few days), I am going to start allowing any snack that fits within my calorie goal. I have gotten good enough at tracking everything and I am so committed to my long term goal that I can handle that now. I will still have 20 to go at that point but there will be no additional rewards other than feeling good about myself.
    One other thing that will feel like a reward - I have been eating too little and had a very effective, but somewhat unhealthy loss so far. After I lose one more pound to hit the milestone, I am upping my calories into the healthy zone where they should be. So right when I start allowing treats, I will have extra calories for them if I keep doing meals similar to what I do now.
  • couchnest
    couchnest Posts: 19 Member
    I'm still debating on whether I want to do a "reward" besides simply losing weight and getting healthier with a better diet and more activity. I guess if I wanted to reward myself, it might be to have a nice meal out without tracking it, some wine one evening, or maybe a burger from one of my favorite places to grab a burger, with a side of fries without feeling any guilt and not tracking it. I feel like if I set the goal for 10 pounds lost, it will take a while, but if I do less, it will make me slide into bad habits, so I'm torn. With the holidays coming, maybe the reward should just be eating sensibly without counting (because it would be too hard to know nutritional values anyway) and not worrying about it at the parties I attend. :smiley:

  • changetime77
    changetime77 Posts: 30 Member
    edited November 2017
    To get night snacking under control!

    That's not an easy one.. I used to eat and drink all the way up to going to bed and now I don't eat or drink anything but water after 8:30pm, it's not successful all the time but 9 out of 10 it is...

    Good luck with this goal hope you beat it...


    Start weight 121.5kg start date 18 September 2017
    Current weight 114.5kg
    First goal 115kg archived 9 Nov 2017
    Second goal 105kg
  • changetime77
    changetime77 Posts: 30 Member
    edited November 2017
    On September 11th 2017, I weighed in at 125 kilos. As I have at least half of that to lose, I decided to break it down to manageable mini goals

    We have started around the same time with only a few kgs between us. I can't wait to be in double digits again, a few years ago I got down to 95 and kept it off for awhile... Mini goals are so much easier to deal with then looking at the big number...
    Why am I doing this? Quite frankly, I'm 55 years old and have been a salsa dancer for many, many years. I was diagnosed with bilateral osteoarthritis in both knees in 2014 and since then, I've had a lot of pain and cannot dance, which breaks my heart at times. My motivation is therefore to lose all these excess kilos and dance again. I'm so unhappy without having that one passion in my life and also, I fear the idea of knee replacements.

    Not being able to do the thing you love would be hard but you will get back to it....

    You don't have to fear knee replacement my grandfather had his done and still walked everywhere (he could also touch his toes well into his 80's something I haven't been able to do since my teens) and didn't take long to recover... I know a few other people that have had it one who could hardly walk (in her 70's) was using electric scooter to go shopping or just down the street as couldn't walk that far and now has been to London to visit granddaughter and walked all around Europe while there.

    Everyone here will give you encouragement as we all want to become losers...


    Start weight 121.5kg start date 18 September 2017
    Current weight 114.5kg
    First goal 115kg archived 9 Nov 2017
    Second goal 105kg
  • changetime77
    changetime77 Posts: 30 Member
    edited November 2017
    My first goal was getting down below 100kg. Going from triple to double was a big deal.

    My current goal is to get below 95 (again) - and then of course under 90, which I haven't been for at least a decade.

    I can't wait to be back into double digits I got there several years go and the day those scales showed 99.9kg was amazing.... Congrats on getting there...


    Start weight 121.5kg start date 18 September 2017
    Current weight 114.5kg
    First goal 115kg archived 9 Nov 2017
    Second goal 105kg
  • changetime77
    changetime77 Posts: 30 Member
    edited January 2018
    I've had to adjust my goals and I changed a few of my rewards around, because over Christmas (the month of December) I went into maintainece mode and did maintain :) so just changed a few dates and rewards... It's all about not giving up....

    Goal 1
    under 115kg - reward get hair done
    By end October 2017 - 9 November 2017

    Goal 2
    Under 105kg - reward mani/pedi
    By end February 2018 (Christmas 2017) - date achieved

    Goal 3
    Under 100kg - reward ???? (new swimmers)
    By end March 2018 (January 2018) - date achieved

    Goal 4 - HALF WAY
    95kg - reward birthday outfit (massage or spa day)
    By mid April (first week March 2018) - date achieved

    Goal 5
    Under 90kg - reward massage or spa day (new outfit)
    By end of May 2018 (mid April 2018) - date achieved

    Goal 6
    Under 80kg- reward facial
    By end of July 2018 (June 2018) - date achieved

    Goal 7 - END GOAL
    70kg or under - reward full make over hair, clothes
    By end of September 2018 (august 2018) - date achieved

    Goal 8
    Keep 70kg or under - reward start back tattoo
    Keep weight off for 6 months - date achieved

    I will keep this post updated with my progress... How's everyone else doing with their mini goals?


    Start weight 121.5kg start date 18 September 2017
    Current weight 112.3kg
    First goal 115kg archived 9 Nov 2017
    Second goal 105kg
  • W8WarI
    W8WarI Posts: 567 Member
    My 1st goal reward's to buy a nice full length mirror, for my progress picture; when I reach a healthy weight because I don't own any!
  • changetime77
    changetime77 Posts: 30 Member
    W8WarI wrote: »
    My 1st goal reward's to buy a nice full length mirror, for my progress picture; when I reach a healthy weight because I don't own any!
    That's great, do you have a weight you want to reach before you buy the mirror?

    I have a few full length mirrors in my house but try to avoid looking at them...
  • W8WarI
    W8WarI Posts: 567 Member
    W8WarI wrote: »
    My 1st goal reward's to buy a nice full length mirror, for my progress picture; when I reach a healthy weight because I don't own any!
    That's great, do you have a weight you want to reach before you buy the mirror?

    I have a few full length mirrors in my house but try to avoid looking at them...

    Thank you, kindly! I'll be a healthy weight at 141.1 pounds, currently I am 155.8; due to water retention but I was 152.0, the previous week!