So tough to lose weight

Its hard to find the motivation somedays. I try to eat right most times, then go to a restaurant and its all blown to hell. Grrrr


  • thechiopodist
    thechiopodist Posts: 216 Member
    Are you trying too hard most of the time and denying yourself too much. If you are to stay focused you must allow yourself some treats, within your allocation of course.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's hard if you do it wrong. You're not losing weight, you're eating less; weightloss just follows from eating less. Don't look for motivation and don't try to eat right. Eat food you like, but plan for events, and that includes eating at restaurants, and if you often go to restaurants, it means eating less there too.
  • nw623
    nw623 Posts: 38 Member
    ...yet it can be so easy to gain it, right? I try to have a little grace and patience with myself. The weight won't come off overnight. Plan ahead on days you know you'll be eating out. Figure out what works within your allotted amount of calories-eat half of something if you need to. On days that it is hard, dig deep and think about why you're on this journey. After a while you'll start seeing that scale go down, and an increase of the reasons to stay motivated.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    If you get into the habit of logging everything you eat into the food page here, you'll start making progress. Even those bigger restaurant meals: estimate if you can't find them in the database.

    At the end of each day, or first thing in the morning review the day's food and look at ways to cut a few calories here and there. You're a smart woman! You can figure out ways.

    How about logging food before you go to the restaurant? Or asking for a To Go box when your food arrives. Put half your food in the box and eat the other half.