Who eats before workout who doesn't and why ?



  • maggibailey
    maggibailey Posts: 289 Member
    I like fasted but since I am getting all of my calories at night it becomes a bit dangerous. I go work out after work when I have only had about 400 calories for lunch and after a workout I'm never hungry. So I'm having to make myself eat 1000 calories. I may need to schedule differently.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    I don't eat b4 exercise/workout because it makes me feel bloated and sluggish.

    Don't find lack of energy to be a problem.

    Have been taking early morning hikes (2-5 miles) recently w/o eating 1st and have not felt any fatique.

    I often eat late at night and assume that my body is working off the food stores from the prior night.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    My blood glucose gets down into the 70s if I don't have 15g or so carbs first. I usually have 1/2 banana and a small glass of milk. If I work out hard for more than half an hour to an hour, I eat a roll of smarties.

    It's not true that eating before a workout prevents weight loss. If so I would not have lost 98 lbs.
  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 277 Member
    I don't as I'm in the gym for 5-5.30am, I usually wait and have a protein bar for breakfast when I get in to work around 8.30am.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    Depends on the objective of the workout

    For example, if you wanted pure fat burn you might do fasted (16 hours zero cals) cardio

    However, if doing a heavy weights session looking for PBs then you'll want to be be well fed. You need to achieve PBs in order to progress in your training and that's difficult on an empty stomach
  • Keira08
    Keira08 Posts: 29 Member
    I can't eat within 2 hours of a decent intensity workout, even a small snack within an hour before makes me feel sick and like I have a brick in my stomach
  • KarenSmith2018
    KarenSmith2018 Posts: 302 Member
    I don't before a morning run or light technical session with my trainer. For everything else I eat maybe 2 hours beforehand.
  • ejg1010
    ejg1010 Posts: 48 Member
    If I go to the gym first thing in the morning I will work out fasted. If I am exercising after work then I will have a snack around 2 hours beforehand to give me some energy. If I eat too close to working out it makes me feel a little nauseous. I guess it's all down to personal preference.
  • boulank
    boulank Posts: 51 Member
    I eat before a workout, because if I dont I get light headed and feel unwell. Depends on the person I know many can handle fasted workouts.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I do not because I don't like to vomit.
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    I'm at the gym at 5am - I just have a cup of coffee. It's way too early for me to eat.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I have to eat first thing in the morning...like almost immediately. I'm starving. If I'm doing an early morning workout I'll still eat a banana and a protein bar.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    I do not eat before running, and run anywhere from 10-13 miles in the mornings. I have 2 cups of coffee, 2 poops, and I'm good to go.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I need to eat before working out. Ideally, I can eat a meal ~40-50 minutes before. If it's right before my workout, then I'll only be able to tolerate something light like a starch/sugar-syrup based item (fruit snacks, workout gels/gummies/gu) - but I definitely need at least that.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Bowl of oatmeal and a glass of milk at 5, at the gym at 5:30.
  • vonveganstein
    vonveganstein Posts: 24 Member
    I try to have at least a banana before I go on my bike rides , then come home and make a plant based smoothie
  • LiftandSkate
    LiftandSkate Posts: 148 Member
    I do not eat prior. Exercising with anything on my stomach makes me want to hurl. Plus, I work out early in the morning, and I just can't eat that early. If I'm doing a long skate, I might have 1/2 of a protein shake, but that's about it.
  • kitlynnJ
    kitlynnJ Posts: 78 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    I eat a small carb-heavy snack, usually a banana, before I run. I feel sick if I don't eat anything.

    Same here. I like half a banana before a morning run.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I haven't tried working out without food but I have found if I have an big work out burning lots of calories I tend to feel faint afterwards until I eat again ...does anyone think age is a factor.o watches something this morning that states after 35 for a female u should exercise on empty belly so u burn insulin

    Insulin is a metabolic hormone...you don't burn hormones. For the most part, meal timing and workout timing is pretty irrelevant...it's far more important that you're getting proper nutrition and an appropriate amount of calories throughout the day.

    There are some advantages to training fasted if you're an endurance athlete...but these are training advantages and don't really have anything to do with weight management per sei. I do ride fasted frequently but they are typically shorter rides...for longer rides I fuel up before hand, but I give myself some time to digest unless it's like a banana or something...but an actual meal needs time to digest.

    I don't lift fasted, nor would I recommend that as there is no real training advantage there and your session is likely to suffer. I don't do any kind of special food before a lifting session...I lift in the evening after work and I've had breakfast, lunch, and snacks and that's plenty to fuel my session.
  • rlr5072
    rlr5072 Posts: 22 Member
    I eat something small before and after. If I don't eat, I feel weak and light-headed and don't get a good workout. My go-to for an evening workout snack is half a serving size of mini-wheats. It seems to give me the perfect amount of fuel without making me feel nauseous, and I can eat it quickly on the run between work and the gym. If I work out in the morning on the weekend, I'll normally have a bowl of oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter mixed in about two hours prior to working out, since my workouts tend to be longer on the weekends.