On and off diet, now trying for the long run!

Hello, I'm curently trying to losse weight (about 14 kg or 30 lbs). I have tried to losse weight before, but I always losse the motivation and want quick fix. My program only last for maximum 3 weeks, and after that I losse motivation (and I have really huge craving too).

Now I have track my calorie and exercising for a week or so. My curent motivation is I want to be healthy because I have a stomach that so easy to upset and I lacking energy. But I also want to losse weight too. So for those of you who already in this lifestyle and have done it in a long run, how you keep your motivation (and reduce your craving for unhealthy favorite foods)?

Oh I'm 21 years old, 155 cm and 70kg


  • Luvmybratdog
    Luvmybratdog Posts: 11 Member
    I started with small changes. The first was working put 2 days a week and cutting out onw thing I might normally eat. I love love cheese and pizza and ice cream, but eating ice cream every night isn't good. So, I committed to something attainable- gym 2x and ice cream only 3 nights a week. From there week by week I made other tweaks and improvements. It took a long time, but now I can say I have a permanent life change where I eat pretty healthy and am in the best shape of my life! Hope that helps...small steps is what has worked for me.
  • jrowden0711
    jrowden0711 Posts: 136 Member
    I started by making small changes to my diet, things like eating less chips when I did eat them. I eventually started to really start thinking about food differently and started to see it more as a source of fuel for our bodies vs something we are supposed to sit down and enjoy every day/night. This has really given me a freedom from food and allowed me to make much healthier decisions when it comes to my diet. For the most part I've cut out dairy (I realized I was lactose intolerant) and a good portion of processed foods and incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables and lean proteins. I feel better, I've lost weight and my complexion looks amazing. I admit, I do occasionally give in and have the occasional serving of Sour Patch Kids, but at least thoughts of junk foods don't rule my life anymore.