New here

Hello all,

I'm posting because I think doing so will keep me on track. I've never been active in an online community before.

Almost 10 years ago, I lost 50 pounds. While the scale tells me that I've only gained a couple of pounds back, my clothes (that I can't even wear anymore!) tell me that I've gotten lazy. There are many reasons/excuses, but I'm ready to recommit. Also, as I've gotten older, I'm realizing that diet seems to be more important than exercise. Not that exercise isn't key, but I think I could work out all day every day and not see the same results as I do from eating well. When I lost the weight in the past, I wrote down what I ate, but I didn't track calories. Now I'm finding the calorie counting to be helpful--especially with a partner who loves to go out to eat! (He's extremely supportive though.)

I'm hoping that being active on these boards will hold me accountable and inspire me! I'm not really sure what one does with friends that is different from the general boards, but I'd be happy to have some!