Here we go again

Well, I'm back after a months long hiatus. I'm going to finish this time. Going through a break up and I need something to focus my attention on. I'm a single mom and need to do this for us! Help with my motivation?


  • rlilly697
    rlilly697 Posts: 201 Member
    I started because of a break up! It took my mind off it n gave me focus! I wanted so much to ram her words of doubt down her throat n when I have bad days n don't feel like going? I think about her words and it gives me the motivation to get thro a few more reps or sets!
    Do it to prove him wrong!
    Show him what a mistake hes made!
    Good Luck, add me if you wish!
  • KLCruz88
    KLCruz88 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm new to the community but have been using mfp for quite a while. I'm not single but I'm a mom of two boys and work full time so finding time to get my work outs in is hard. I know break ups are hard but keep your chin up! Nothing is stronger than a mom doing remarkable things for her kids.