Recovery week - what do you all do?

Finished Insanity Max30 on Saturday. Now I have scheduled a recovery week before I start p90x3 next monday. What do you guys do during your recovery week? I`m so fearful to lose my working out groove and some strength and endurance. I cheated yesterday and worked out! Today, I actually rested! haha I still also have a few pounds too lose, so I am sticking around 1300 calories during my recovery week but was considering eating at maintenance level for this week (1700 cals). What do you think and what do you guys do?


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Never had a recovery week even after a triathlon (if I was doing Ironman distances that could be a different story) but my recovery days typically are active recovery; low intensity bike rides, swimming at an easy pace, walking etc.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    cardio, core, flexibility

    walking, yoga, pilates, exercise videos...the only thing I skip on recovery week is heavy weights...but I still do light ones...
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I haven't taken a week off in 4 years, and it was only because I was on vacation.

    I will however take a deload week every couple of months or whenever I feel I need it. I'll use this week to lift lighter, work on form, mobility, etc.
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I always take a week break after I finish Insanity Max 30 before I start it all over again. I usually stay pretty active, run/ bike .
  • FemmeAndi
    FemmeAndi Posts: 107 Member
    gerla_k wrote: »
    I always take a week break after I finish Insanity Max 30 before I start it all over again. I usually stay pretty active, run/ bike .

    The trainer suggests a week break to recover. It was an intense program, feels like my knees have aged 20 years lol. Ok so most people seem to stay pretty active on their recovery week. I took one day off so far. Lunch hour is usually my workout time but where I didn`t want to sit still, I vacuumed and them mopped my floors and ran around the house tidying. I`m getting all set up to start p90x3 and I am really appreciating the slow down. I see that p90x3 has a week of recovery after each Month block, I`m guessing this program will be quite a step up from Max 30.
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    I always take a recovery week when I finish an 8 week program, ESPECIALLY Max30! I've heard of active rest which I think is stuff like yoga but I'm not entirely sure. I'm on week 4 of my third round of Max30 and I'm thinking of looking into this 'active rest' when I'm done. Great job btw!
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    Unless you're trying to lose, you should eat at maintenance during recovery.
  • FemmeAndi
    FemmeAndi Posts: 107 Member
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    I always take a recovery week when I finish an 8 week program, ESPECIALLY Max30! I've heard of active rest which I think is stuff like yoga but I'm not entirely sure. I'm on week 4 of my third round of Max30 and I'm thinking of looking into this 'active rest' when I'm done. Great job btw!

    Yah it`s a pretty demanding program, especially when you are so dedicated and strict in those 8 weeks. Thanks for the props :smiley: I think I`m going to add in some stretch sessions and yoga exercises like you talked about for active rest.
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    edited September 2017
    A week seems a tad excessive. I ran my first half last week and I was still back to business as usual 2 days later as far as my routine. Even 2 days I had to force myself to do. I was chomping at the bit to get back out there. Not that recovery time is not vital, but I can't see any benefit to going dormant for a week unless you just completed Navy SEAL training or something. If anything, I suspect it might make it more difficult to resume things.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I've never needed to recover that long, even after half marathons.

    A recovery run the day after a long run is quite good value. After my double I did revert to swimming though.

    You are awesome though.

    My last one (Which was also my first hilly one) had me only able to walk for 2 days, managed to cycle day 3. Run 3 miles day 4.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I don't know about a recovery run (for me) either but an easy ride or a walk helps to shake the soreness out.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    When I was between programs (transitioning between bulking and cutting), I did something "fun" .. kind of a deload with light weight, interval/circuit style lifting.. giving my muscles a rest before starting up again. Obviously this was optional, but it was kind of nice to just go in and take it a bit easier.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    FemmeAndi wrote: »
    gerla_k wrote: »
    I always take a week break after I finish Insanity Max 30 before I start it all over again. I usually stay pretty active, run/ bike .

    The trainer suggests a week break to recover. It was an intense program, feels like my knees have aged 20 years lol. Ok so most people seem to stay pretty active on their recovery week. I took one day off so far. Lunch hour is usually my workout time but where I didn`t want to sit still, I vacuumed and them mopped my floors and ran around the house tidying. I`m getting all set up to start p90x3 and I am really appreciating the slow down. I see that p90x3 has a week of recovery after each Month block, I`m guessing this program will be quite a step up from Max 30.

    Personally, I'd be concerned about the bold above. In this case a recovery week is probably a good idea and I'd see how the next program feels for your knees. You definitely don't want to over do it and be sidelined by an injury, so if they continue to bother you maybe look into a different program or type of exercise.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    In my case, the answer is: "It depends"

    During the racing season, I train 7 days/week. Long workouts are done on Saturdays(bike/run) & Sundays(swim/run), so Mondays are very easy, usually just a "recovery spin" on the bike trainer to help shed leg fatigue.

    Recovery time varies after races. In the case of a long event, such as a 70.3 triathlon, I sometimes need a week if I've sustained some damage during the race. This year, my first HIM recovery period in June was 7 days with no activities, so I could rehab a cranky hip. Just getting up and down the stairs was more than enough exercise. After my second HIM in Sept, I took 3 days off and then resumed easy sessions for the next week with no ill effects.

    As I get older, sufficient recovery time is very important to avoiding injury. After a half marathon in October, I am going to take roughly six weeks off to rest my body and recharge my batteries. I plan to focus on non running/triathlon activities during this time. Then in December I will start up a winter base building program as I prep for a very challenging HIM in June and then my "A" race, a full IM race next July.