Mom of 1 year old

Hello. I pronounce my name (Lu-ay-va).
I am 21. I had my first and only child at the moment on August 22, 2016. While I was pregnant I had many health complications because I was 160 before having my daughter. During my pregnancy I got up to 250 pounds. Since I have started my journey I have lost a total of 31 pounds. I decided I wanted a change for my family and for my future self. I hope to make new friends and get inspiration from others on here.


  • abstew04
    abstew04 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey! Always looking for more friends. Feel fee to add. Still trying to figure out how to send a friend request from the phone app. With my first pregnancy, I gained 60lbs. on top of already being overweight.
  • attitude90
    attitude90 Posts: 42 Member
    Hiya well done with your loss up to yet you can do it I have lost 100lbs and still got more to loose add me if you want