One for the ladies... PMS Cravings - tips please



  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    I'm a strange appetite diminishes before and during my period and I have to remind myself to eat. I often get lethargic at that TOM so that could be part of it. Once in a while though, I will crave sweet things or things with a lot of fat content.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    I tend to want cheeseburgers and fries around that time... which is weird because I don't usually want them at any other time. I just go ahead and eat what I want and try to even out the calories by surrounding that meal with healthy meals, or, get more exercise in to burn off the extra. I also drink more water on those days to counteract the sodium.

    The week after, I tend to eat a LOT of protein. It's not conscious, I just want those foods.

    Vary rarely, I'll want some chocolate (not pms related), so I keep very fine chocolates in my freezer, and they are all individually wrapped. I get one, go into the other room, and then take tiny nibbles off of it until it's gone. If I can make it last long enough for the chemicals in the chocolate to reach those receptors that are wanting it, then one piece is plenty.

    I find that most of the cravings have gone away since I started supplementing with vitamins and fish oil. It might be coincidence, or it could be that my body is getting those things that it is craving/needing. I have seen lists of "if you crave this ... your body needs this ..." type of lists. I don't know the science behind it, so I'm not going to link to it, but most of the solutions have to do with vitamins, minerals, and whole foods. With that in mind, it would make sense that as I make my diet healthier, and have started supplementing to get those things that my diet lacks (hey, I'm still working on it), that cravings would diminish. But, like I said, I don't know the science behind it (I've done some searching, but no luck finding the study yet), so take that for what it is worth, which is an anecdotal piece of information.

    I like the idea of logging in the day's meals ahead of time to better plan snacks. Genius is its simplicity!
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    I say incorporate it into your calories, and allow yourself to eat at maintenance for a couple of days. Honestly when I'm bleeding from the crotch I'm a raving lunatic, and there is no way someone is taking my ice cream away from me, and anyone who tries can get my hormonal wrath.

    Thank god I live alone, huh?!
  • chrisloveslife
    chrisloveslife Posts: 180 Member
    Chocolate rice cakes. They are 60 calories each and I can't eat more than 2 of them. Sometimes I'll throw a little bit of peanut butter on them. Or eat a banana with a tbsp of Nutella.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    Mmmm. A hunk of dark chocolate goes a long way and is good for you. Another good tip, look up how much you have to do to burn off whatever you're about to put in your mouth. You might still want it, but if it's too much to work it off, I can usually tell myself to either put it down and step away, or, only eat half!

    Good luck...
  • steffij100
    steffij100 Posts: 85 Member
    Something with a rush of sweetness, though healthy at the same time...raspberries are great, so easy to eat and in season. Cherries...and dried fruit such as apricots, raisins etc. Though not too many of the latter, as they certainly don't help with the bloating! Or could you ask your folks to not keep buns in the house? Best not to have access to temptations if possible. Though you will roam the house like a caged tiger, you will feel so happy with yourself when you make it through! :happy:
  • KelliB3
    KelliB3 Posts: 39 Member
    I keep a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips on hand, and when my PMS chocolate cravings are raging, I have a tablespoon or sometimes two.

    ^Sorry but this is horrible advise. I once ate an entire bag of chocolate chips due do an extreme craving. It's hard to just have a tablespoon or two, especially when you have raging hormones and you've deprived yourself of sweets for a long period of time.

    Last night I started my period and was craving a Skor blizzard from dairy Queen. I tried telling myself no, but in the end I justified it by cycling for 60 minutes to the nearest Dairy Queen. I figured I'd burn some calories and gain some. Even it out. I'm sure I consumed more than I burned but in my mind it was totally worth it. it's just one day!
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    I agree that cravings are real and kudos to you for trying to deal with them in a healthy manner. I personally allow myself treats but just fit it into my calories for the day. IF I craved soda (yuk lol) I would probably just go with diet soda or with carbonated flavored water for some of the taste without the calories.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I usually just give into them. I figure I need them for a reason. Also, if I give in, I can have just a little instead of putting it off and trying to avoid it then devouring everything in sight.

    If I want it, I'll get it but eat like a quarter or a half of whatever it is. Usually that's enough to satisfy me. If a few hours later I still want more, I'll evaluate my day and see if I can have it. But usually that piece is enough.

    I'll exercise more sometimes to make up for the treats but as I have a huge sweet too, I usually "save" a certain number of calories for my sweet tooth.
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    I will give in to the cravings but work them into y diet plan. Craving sweet and salty? I worked in rice cakes with peanut butter and dark chocolate chips. But I log it and work the rest of the day around it. Also, I don't now if they have these in Ireland, but Oogave makes a very nice 100 calorie soda with low sugar and carbs (real sugar, no HFCS or saccharin). Also I like the v8 sparkling sodas, at only 50 calories. I'll have them in a fancy glass and drink it like a cocktail. Maybe hit a health food store and see what types of healthy yummy snacks and sodas they have available, and just adjust the rest of your diary accordingly.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Yes - I feel for you... I'm going through it right now! I track my cycle on via an android phone app and atleast I can recognize the sudden urge for food about a week before.

    I would like to cut down on my sugar intake, period (no pun intended), but best to start after my TOM.
    I'm generally ravenous a week before and crave sugar, etc. I contribute that to hormones and feeling more tired. Try to get more sleep, workout regularly (even a bit more to burn off any extra cals consumed). I also have a Nutribullet and will be having a "juice" once a day, especially during that critical time, to boost nutrients and ensure my body has everything it needs... our bodies have "cravings" when it needs something it's missing nutrient wise. Funny thing is the less sugar/fatty foods I have before my TOM the less discomfort I have during it.

    I'll be taking my own advise and implementing these and other suggestions from others for next month!