Not new but back none the less

Hello everyone I have been struggling with weight gain over the last few years. After injuries in Iraq I stopped working out for a long time. I then had a breast reduction and did not work out for even longer. Lastly about 2 years ago I was assaulted and fell into a deep depression further reducing my desire to do much of anything.

I went from weighing 120 pounds to 160 pounds. I have kept curves but my thighs are chunky now and I don't fit into my clothes very well. I suffer from depression which gives me a major lack of motivation, however I want to break this cycle and move on with my life. I truely feel the first step for me is to just go backwards. I need to lose the weight. I have very little self esteam because of the things that have happened and the weight gain just perpetuates it. If I can lose the weight then maybe I will be more receptive to my therapy because i will then have less to complain about.

I see my nutritionist tomorrow. I have gone 6 weeks eating healthy and doing work outs once every few days but I have only lost 5 pounds if that. I however have not been working out regularly.

I guess i just need some motivation and would love to hear from people who have lost weight and how long it took them and what foods they avoid or rather what they eat to avoid the cravings. I am horribly addicted to sugar and constantly desire eating heavy foods. So even if they are healthy I just eat too much and move too little to make much of any progress.

I need to find some exercises I can do here in my apartment to get some cardio and tone up.


  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    First, thank you for your service. I cannot imagine the courage it takes to do something like that. 2nd, I'm sorry for all you've been through. I suffer from depression and somedays climbing out of that dark pit to care for my children is all I can do. I understand the lack of motivation when depression sinks its claws in. There is no easy solution. It's just a matter of working through it each day. One day at a time. Some days totally suck. Others are a little better. However, feel free to add me. I'll be glad to be part of your support in this. It's not easy for someone without all that you're dealing with. I know it has to be so much harder with all you're going through. Anyway. Good luck and best wishes. I'll be here. :)
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Wow Wildkatt sounds like you have been through alot. Proud of you for being determined to overcome it all.As far as workouts you can do in your apartment check out this site on youtube. This chic does some amazing workouts using very little equipment, all of them you can do at home. I have done some of them and they are TOUGH! Good luck on your journey, you got this!
    the site is..