I am happy

I checked my scale this morning and I was pleased. I am on a journey to lose 10 pounds at a time and in no big hurry. Today I reached my first 10 pounds. I had actually started this 10 pound journey in June and was on hold for a month and got back on track in August. I challenged myself to lose 10 by my birthday and do it without stress. My birthday was 3 weeks ago but today I reached my goal and I am so happy. I celebrated with a happy dance and a cup of coffee and on with the day. At times this was not easy because I got stuck for a while and was beating myself up. But I got through it and talked myself out of slump and said to be kinder to me. I have now set a new goal to lose another 10, the same way, no stress and have to reach my goal by brothers birthday (Nov, 23rd).
