Pregnancy & Weight Gain

Hello all,
I am 25 weeks pregnant and trying to maintain a healthy diet. My doctor recently told me that I have been gaining too much weight in between visits and to cut out the pop/sugars. More specifically, I gained 8lbs in a month, which is a huge pregnancy no-no. While I am not trying to diet, I am trying to monitor my eating. So far, my biggest problem is ALWAYS going over the suggested daily sugar servings. I didn't realize how much sugar even juice and apples had in them! So for discussion, I am just curious if anyone has any advice on good sugars and bad sugars. Is there even such a thing as good sugars and bad sugars, and does the body process them the same? For example, a red apple vs. a candy bar. Also, does anyone have any suggestions/alternatives to stop the sugar/sweet cravings- keep in mind I am pregnant and just WANT it. While I can control my eating and maintaining a proper balance of calories, carbs, sodium fairly easy, the sugar is really effecting my diet. Again, I am not trying to lose weight, just eat healthier for a safer delivery and healthy baby. I started out at 155 (pre-pregnancy) and now weigh 174, and I have three months left. I can not continue on the 8lbs/month route. I am feeling very insecure and upset with myself for gaining so much non-baby related weight. In the month that I gained 8lbs, I ate/drank whatever I wanted. I never felt like I was over eating, but I was drinking a ton of soda. I work an 8-5 job, and would fight the pregnancy fatigue with a pop or sugar. Now I am having a problem cold-turkey cutting it out. Does/has anyone else feel/felt this way? I want to feel pretty and proud of my pregnancy, not the complete opposite of shame and body-hating. Again, I am not talking about my baby bump or baby weight, but the other food related weight. My husband is 100% supporting my new eating habits, but he is not making me feel better about myself or the fact that I let myself gain so much weight in one month. He is also being quite body/weight shaming, for the sake of my and our baby's health. I need help, advice, empathy.