What do you weigh on your food scale?



  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I pretty much weigh anything. Some things I don't mind eyeballing, low carlorie fruits or berries where it isn't a huge deal if I'm not spot on. For things like meat, cheese and nuts or if I'm making a recipe I consider it essential!
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I weight everything as well. Although in times when I do have to eyeball something, I'm pretty sure I overshoot it. :)
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I am addicted to my food scale, and have taken to preparing sandwiches on it. I put my bread on first, zero it, then the margerine, zero it, then the tuna! I guess I am being a little anal, but I'm quite enjoying the accuracy! I weigh out chocolates, definitely rice and pasta, bread you have to cut yourself (rather than pre-sliced) salad- literally it all goes on the scale.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Pretty much everything I can. Even slices of bread are rarely the exact weight that is listed on the package. Especially when I am mixing things in a bowl, it's so much easier to just put it on the scale and keep adding to the bowl instead of using measuring cups anyway.
  • Tam2oh
    Tam2oh Posts: 27
    I weigh cheese, meat, and fruit, but I just use measuring cups and spoons for everything else.
  • I weigh pretty much everything. Keeps me honest to tell you the truth. ;-) As far as the "handful" of nuts, if you are really worried about it, you could always weigh them at home and then just bring them to work. You could put them in little snack baggies, or little tupperware containers. If the thought of doing that everyday seems a bit tedious, you could find a container with little dividers that would let you pack up a week's worth all at once or something. Where there is a will, there is a way. :-D Congrats on the scale. You will love it!

  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Same as on my bathroom scale... ;)

    Anything that portions are measured in weight. Read the label. You can convert cups to weight by zeroing your scale with an empty cup. Same with stuff like peanut butter. BTW - a teaspoon is a level teaspoon.
  • wildcatnyc
    wildcatnyc Posts: 2,410 Member
    Anything in which the servicing size is given in ounces or grams - I have a food scale at work and at home...
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Food (and parcels) :flowerforyou:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Nothing. I don't have one. I am not opposed, but I've made it this far without one so I think I am doing ok!
  • rejordan
    rejordan Posts: 132 Member
    cheese and meat-after it's cooked. Hamburger is so tricky if it's not weighed after cooking.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Everything except water
  • sjackson902
    sjackson902 Posts: 154 Member
    Just about everything - especially starches. Even after years of watching what I eat, I'm still not great at guestimating food portions.
  • jenmsu83
    jenmsu83 Posts: 185 Member
    Everything! I was surprised to see some items I buy (bread, English muffins, etc) usually weigh more than what the serving size stated on the package is. For example, I buy Aunt Millie's cinnamon raisin English muffins and a serving is "one muffin, 57 grams" and they almost always weigh around 67 grams each. That's a big discrepancy! So ever since I noticed that I weigh just about everything If I can...
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Pretty much everything except veggies.
  • Cazzyxo
    Cazzyxo Posts: 104 Member
    Everything mostly :)
  • MissAbbieJay
    MissAbbieJay Posts: 42 Member
    Everything! I love my scale. It makes it way easier and to a point after using it for a while you can kinda spot if you're having too much of something because you already know what the portion is supposed to look like.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I am addicted to my food scale, and have taken to preparing sandwiches on it. I put my bread on first, zero it, then the margerine, zero it, then the tuna! I guess I am being a little anal, but I'm quite enjoying the accuracy! I weigh out chocolates, definitely rice and pasta, bread you have to cut yourself (rather than pre-sliced) salad- literally it all goes on the scale.

    Tare is my favorite button lol. I love building sandwiches on it, or putting a bowl of chili on it and adding the shredded cheese hehehe.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You can use it to make the perfect coffee. 17:1 water:coffee is the rule of thumb. Mine comes out best at 19:1.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Pretty much everything....I may fudge it a little with my veggies, but pretty much everything gets on the food scale.