Is a flat stomach always attainable for a woman?



  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    It won't be for me. A 9 lb 4 oz baby at 40? (That was 15 years ago) There was no bouncing back from that. I bounced back from my first pregnancy just fine, but my stomach skin on my very short-waisted torso noped out of that one. I have a lot of loose skin. It's all crepey now.
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    This is a very interesting thread. I love reading everyone's thoughts on this. It's one of those things that I've always wondered how it even became a thing to aspire to. Why do women care so much about having a flat stomach? And how did that become a measure of health or worse of beauty? I'm truly not trying to be mean so I hope I'm not coming across that way. I just sometimes marvel at the things that are "things" lol.

    Hollywood and fashion magazines. All the pictures of women you see they have impossibly flat stomachs. All the movie stars have flat stomachs, even three weeks after having a baby. (Almost)

    It's peer pressure and it's inescapable.