Feeling Sad!

I've been keeping track of everything and went to the gym 5 days this week but gained a pound! Super annoying ... Don't know why the scale won't cooperate!


  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Give it time to adjust to the new normal.
  • LonniJay
    LonniJay Posts: 3,740 Member
    It's water weight. Your muscles will retain water as they heal from exercise. Allow yourself more time to see results. Most people around here say 3 or 4 weeks. Also look into the whoosh effect. Good luck!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Do you weigh your food? It also can be water weight, your muscle retain water to help heal themselves from the workouts!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    You should try measuring yourself in inches because you might be losing inches but not on the scale
  • simi1421
    simi1421 Posts: 30 Member
    Do you guys think I should keep checking the scale ?
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    simi1421 wrote: »
    Do you guys think I should keep checking the scale ?

    I mean..yeah...just dont let it freak you out. Make sure your eating a deficit with a food scale and practice with the numbers, And you will lose. Trust the math.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    simi1421 wrote: »
    Do you guys think I should keep checking the scale ?

    This becomes a personal choice and kinda depends on how you react to it. Understand that it goes up and down, especially for women at TOM. You need to look at the overall trend instead of what it was today. Something like Happy Scale (IOS), Libra (Android) or trendweight.com is good to see the trend.

    I weigh every morning and lots of people do. Others find it too stressful and weigh weekly, monthly or not at all.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    I also weigh every morning but I taught myself not to get discouraged if I gain or not move the scale at all! Like I said you could always measure yourself as well, it's less stressful (to me anyways!)
  • GymTennis
    GymTennis Posts: 133 Member
    Do you weigh yourself during the day? If the answer is yes then stop doing it. Weigh yourself only in the morning after bathroom. You weight can fluctuate quite a bit during the day
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    simi1421 wrote: »
    Do you guys think I should keep checking the scale ?

    Depend on how you react to it

    For me i weigh once a week

    When i had scales at home i would weigh myself every time i went in the bathroom, often before and after i used the loo

    I also tend to get negative and a bit punishy if it goes up so its not healthy for me to own scales currently

    Others love having the data from daily weigh ins and can see the fluctuations for what they are, normal changes from water retention, more food passing through the gut etc
  • jondspen
    jondspen Posts: 253 Member
    edited September 2017
    simi1421 wrote: »
    Do you guys think I should keep checking the scale ?

    No. Weight can fluctuate from day to day. I have even seen a 3-4 lbs difference from day to day just from high salt intake. I would suggest weighing just once a week. Even better, take measurements and work off those. I want to lose 20 more lbs, but if I lose 20 lbs of fat, and put back on 10 lbs of muscle, my net is only 10 lbs lost. Motivation wise (just by looking at weight), I would be bummed out for such low results for so much hard work, but in reality my overall health is a "30 lbs positive". When you get to the point the scales aren't moving, but you're still moving further back to buckle your belt, you have another metric to gauge progress and stay focused.
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    simi1421 wrote: »
    Do you guys think I should keep checking the scale ?

    In my opinion, stop checking the scale so often. I know for me, being on the scale all the time became one big *kitten* disappointment. So now, I plan to get on there maybe once a month.
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    On the other hand, if you check your weight every day, you'll learn that your weight fluctuates every day. It's just the way the human body functions: water retention due to salt, TOM, or new exercise; when your last poop was (sorry), when your last meal was. When I weighed myself once a week, it became an Event, and it could make or break my mood. Try something like HappyScale or one of the other apps. They take all the data points of a daily weighing and turn them into a line that helps you see the general trend of your weight loss. Saves the angst.
  • simi1421
    simi1421 Posts: 30 Member
    I decided not to weight myself daily and have been doing it once a few weeks ... According to the weight I have tracked on my fitness Pal for the past year and a half ... Weight fluctuates between 140 and 150 year round ...
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    Personally I'd go more with how many inches you're losing than how much weight you're losing, cause it could be that the gym is causing your body to recomp a bit (burn fat/gain muscle). My own weight's been stagnant for awhile, but just last night I was finally able to fit into a pair of 42" shorts (down from a size 44" a month ago and a size 50" overall).
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I 100% support daily weights so long as you know how to look at them. Daily weights when compared to each other in a vacuum are virtually meaningless and of little value. Take a week's worth of daily weights and average them, and that will have some meaning. Take a month's worth of daily weights and calculate a rolling average (or use software like trendweight.com) and that's very indicative of what your weight is actually doing over the long run. After several months of daily weights the data becomes extremely valuable. If for whatever reason you can't accept the fact that a daily weight is meaningless without the context of many other data points then I agree, you probably shouldn't weigh daily, but I'd also look at why you have trouble accepting that fact because you are giving up some very useful data.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    If normal weight fluctuations are getting you down, I find it helps to have a mental image of what one pound of fat/3500 calories actually looks like in food form. For me, it's a 30 ounce wheel of Brie. So when, like this morning, the scale is up a pound, I ask myself if I really ate the equivalent of that giant cheese. Seeing as the answer is always no, it helps me put things in perspective.
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    edited September 2017
    If you weigh all your food in grams and are sure of your Intake, you can trust the math and be assured that body weight will come down sooner or later at a speed which will depend on your activity and intake.