Soda Addicts

It's weird to say I'm addicted to soda, but it's true and I'm looking for ideas.
I haven't had ANY kind of soda for a few weeks now (I'm so excited and happy with mymyself) but I've come to have this really strong craving for it... I don't even like Soda!! I can taste the syrup every time I drink it, and it's gross.
It was also giving me migraines when I wouldn't drink it so for a while I felt obligated to drink it just so I wouldn't get a migraine. And I do mean a migraine, not a headache. And that's pretty ridiculous.
My question is, how do I make this craving go away? What's a way that will get me to stop wanting it? I've already got done with the caffeine issue but not the crave


    S7SILVA Posts: 11 Member
    I had the same problem. Dr Pepper is my heroine. Lol I started drinking sparkling water. It helped me feel like I was drinking something with a little substance to it, unlike plain water. That, and I missed having the fizzy feeling in my mouth that soda gives you. That, and I buy these powder packets from Wal-Mart that are supposed to flavor your water like A&W root beer. They're not to bad, and they satisfy my craving. I think they're 10 cal a packet. I just use half a packet at a time though.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited September 2017
    I don't really understand craving something you don't like...

    IDK...I have a diet Fresca most evenings and the occasional real soda.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2017
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I don't really understand craving something you don't like...

    Me either.

    OP, maybe you need to think through or be specific about what you are craving. Sometimes I just want something besides water, and apart from an occasional soda (diet) or coffee, I will make iced tea (I don't add sugar) and drink it out of a nice glass.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    add whiskey?
  • MsChewMe
    MsChewMe Posts: 130 Member
    Confused. Like cigarettes? I craved them but I hated them. Cigarettes are truly addicting and soda has caffeine, maybe you mean the caffeine.
  • cassandraA2
    cassandraA2 Posts: 1 Member
    try flavored Seltzer water. Polar and La Croix are our favorite if you want them sweetened add a little honey.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    If you are craving soda, you might actually be craving carbs. Soda is almost all sugar and if you've recently cut back on carbs and sugars as a whole, your body might be reacting to the change. If you suddenly went low carb, try re-introducing some carbohydrates back in. I find that fruit fixes my sweet tooth.
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    Maybe you're just craving/needing the caffeine fix? Try some coffee instead? I quit soda in August. Very hard, as we were allowed to drink as much as we wanted as kids and that bad habit carried into my adult life. It was only about a week ago that I feel free from it. I dont crave it, don't care if someone has some around me....but those few weeks of withdrawal were brutal.
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    Maybe it's the carbonation in the soda you're craving and not the sweetness/flavor of the soda. If so, try flavored seltzer water and see if that helps.
  • stephieleee
    stephieleee Posts: 113 Member
    i'm also addicted to soda, but I actually like it lol, particularly coke or vanilla coke. Initially I went on a soda ban and I got pretty awful headaches and didn't do too well at sticking it out. Currently I usually have a glass of diet soda with dinner each night, with the occasional full sugar soda maybe once a week . I know it's not good for me but it satisfies the cravings and stops me from bingeing. I don't drink or smoke or have any other vices so I try not to feel too guilty about it.
  • AuroraD82
    AuroraD82 Posts: 56 Member
    It's weird to say I'm addicted to soda, but it's true and I'm looking for ideas.
    I haven't had ANY kind of soda for a few weeks now (I'm so excited and happy with mymyself) but I've come to have this really strong craving for it... I don't even like Soda!! I can taste the syrup every time I drink it, and it's gross.
    It was also giving me migraines when I wouldn't drink it so for a while I felt obligated to drink it just so I wouldn't get a migraine. And I do mean a migraine, not a headache. And that's pretty ridiculous.
    My question is, how do I make this craving go away? What's a way that will get me to stop wanting it? I've already got done with the caffeine issue but not the crave

    Have you ever tried Kombucha? We have started making at home because we drink so much of it that it was financially a responsible way to enjoy our new favorite drink. It is a naturally fermented tea drink that naturally also becomes effervescent. If you check out your local health food store you can get the starter, but you can flavour it anyway you like. Compared to buying it, its just way cheaper to make yourself. The calories are roughly 25 per cup of tasty effervescent liquid. There is added sugar to the tea, but the culture/starter feeds on the sugar so its alsmost all gone by the time you drink it.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    I drank coke when I ate. Took a long time, but finally figured out I was missing the acid. My stomach was upset every time I ate without my coke.
  • Curious are these migraines occurring only from soda or other caffeinated beverages? Almost sounding like you may be caffeine sensitive.
  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    I switched to herbal tea when I went caffeine and fizz free. You can get ones that can be made with cold water.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I can't help much since for me the cravings go away after about two weeks. In my case it's not just soda but also refined sugars, and cutting them helped. Maybe figure out something to scratch the same itch? I replaced my soda consumption with iced tea and occasional coffee with cinnamon for the caffeine. My sweetness itch gets scratched by eating fruit. Try seltzer water if you really crave carbonation.

    My husband gets migraines when he doesn't drink Coke, but in his case it seems to be a caffeine issue.

    I was vulnerable to environmental triggers for a long time. My husband kindly agreed to open his Cokes in the other room so I can't hear the sound! He also keeps his can covered with a beer coozy so I don't see the label. Every time I drive past a particular corner store I want to automatically turn in and get a Coke icee so I started going an alternative route.
  • Batemama
    Batemama Posts: 9 Member
    S7SILVA wrote: »
    I had the same problem. Dr Pepper is my heroine. Lol I started drinking sparkling water. It helped me feel like I was drinking something with a little substance to it, unlike plain water. That, and I missed having the fizzy feeling in my mouth that soda gives you.

    This is me exactly! Sparkling water is not going to taste like soda, but I found it was the fizz I missed not the taste. Also, the taste of sparkling water is better if you haven't had soda for a while IMO, probably because you're not used to super sweet things. It has been a lifesaver for me.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I switched to sparkling mineral water.

    I didn't cut soft drink out completely. On weekends when I'm active, I'll have a 200 ml can with lunch.