Tips for cravings and being hungry

Any tips or things you do on a daily basis to ensure you dont have those cravings and go off your diet on a binge?


  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Tip incorporate what you are craving into your daily calorie allowance. Want chocolate buy one candy bar. Don't have the things you binge on in the house.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Hunger and cravings are two different things, and having cravings and giving in to them are two different things. The most reliable way to start bingeing, is to go on a diet. Don't go on a diet. Your diet is just what you eat. You can eat anything you want. Eat enough, but not too much. Eat well, and eat regularly, every day. Eat food you like, but eat responsibly.
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    I keep my calorie limit high enough that I'm not tempted to binge. I'd rather lose weight slowly than keep dropping & regaining.

    I am also firmly in the "eat whatever you want within your calories" camp. Though I do make sure I get enough protein every day.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    gotta keep myself fed. Not skippin meals. Sometimes meals add up to more calories, But keep me from getting so hungry/cravey i reach for stupid stuff. All the little nibbles here and there for me easily could add to another small meal thats healthier and actually satisfies my hunger
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    Depends on what I'm craving. If I'm just in the mood to eat something crunchy I'll eat a few pickles. Hardly any calories and some nutrients. Or if I have the calories I'll have some popcorn, I try to pre-log my meals so I'll know if I'm having popcorn that night or not.

    If I'm craving sweets and I can not stop thinking about it (like over the course of a couple days) I'll go to the store and buy a very small sweet something sweet. Only a single serving item though. I have no self control, if I buy a big bag of candy I will eat it all, calories be kittened.

    I've given up candy, cake, and ice cream (and other sweet processed foods) for diabetes reasons, so now if I crave sweets I guess I'll get a small apple or orange. I know the sugar is the same, but I now get sugar cravings very rarely and at least I'll get some nutrients out the fruit. The dollar store also sells sugar free candy, so I can buy a bag of that instead.