Food Discoveries/trends

While logging food, has anyone made connections between food/allergies/etc. I know an elimination style diet is the best way to evaluate, but I also know the logistics of that and my current commitment to one are currently not aligned. I just think it would be nice to notice if/when I eat certain foods, I feel more/less congested. I will be seeing an allergist soon, but thought I'd get a survey of ideas first.


  • rosyone1
    rosyone1 Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah, one of my favorite foods: potatoes. When I first found this site several years ago I cut starches and sweets out of my diet for a couple of weeks just to break the cycle of sugar cravings, then began adding the major non-sweet starches back one at a time. Wheat: OK. Corn: OK. Rice: OK. Sweet potato: OK. Potato other than sweet: NOT OK. Every time I tried to add them back they'd trigger massive heartburn and a runaway episode of the munchies. I used to have heartburn a lot and had never associated it with potatoes - with overeating, yes, but I never made a direct connection between overeating and potatoes. I lost nearly 60 pounds over next several months and managed to keep it off without much effort until a couple of years ago when I relaxed my no potato policy. My stomach had healed, and at first, seemed able to handle an occasional baked potato or order of fries. But it didn't last. The heartburn is back and I've regained 20 pounds, so I'm off potatoes for good this time.
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