Anxiety ever make you sick?



  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    slessofme wrote: »
    I switched from typical talk therapy to a combo of CBT and hypnosis about 2 months ago. I had already talked to my PCP about meds, but wanted to see how the CBT/hypnosis worked first. In general, I think it's been a positive change. I expect it to take a while for me to see significant improvement. Right now I'm up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts and fidgety. That's after listening to my hypnosis recording for the night.

    I'm glad you have noticed improvement. I hope it continues to work for you
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I have anxiety issues too. I'm sorry I have no helpful advice or guidance for you. The last panic attack I had I realized I'd either die or it would subside....strangely that comforts me...

    It will all be over soon

    I've been having anxiety issues again lately..oh well...I'll either be ok or not.

    I usually have to comfort myself out of an anxiety attack. Tell myself it's ok and to calm down. It helps. What would be better is if i had someone follow me around to physically and verbally soothe me like a baby lol.
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    Fyreside wrote: »
    It's something I experience daily for a few years now. And I'm very anti med (personal opinion) So I'm just living with it currently. But I am working towards changing my life towards not putting myself in the situations that cause it so often.

    I'm not too fond of the idea of putting prescription drugs in my body to change something. I really think Drs should prescribed a person to follow people with anxiety around to comfort them at the 1st sign of an anxiety attack lol.
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    I have social anxiety and generalized anxiety.. and anxiety over medications and death and kids out of my sight.. I hated school because I hate the unknown. I've never used medication to deal with it. Not that you shouldn't. If you can't seem to manage it on your own, then you need help. Me, I can't.. my anxiety won't let me.

    It makes it difficult to go anywhere alone, to go to the doctors, or to find a normal job. I pet sit but my sister in law has to take the calls and meet with the clients. I just paid 62$ for a rabies shot for my dog because my anxiety kicked in about taking him back to the shelter for a scheduled free one. I was just telling my sister in law yesterday that I need to get this under control before I go broke!! :lol:

    I usually combat it by having someone with me, like my kids or sil, who can distract me from my racing thoughts. It's so bad that I've been called a cnt buy my sil for ignoring and walking away from people talking to me.. I swear, I never saw them! Cant recall faces or names either. Attended church for almost a year before I knew who the pastor was or his name. Sat next to a boy in one of my college classes who decided to ask me out in the hall.. didn't know who the heck he was and said as much. He told me then never sat next to me again. That's another thing... single for 5 years now cause it takes me FOREVER to get to know anyone. Most people don't wait for a person to come around mentally.

    I have to know weeks in advance of any changes so I can get use to the idea. Anxiety has caused me to uproot my kids and my life 16 times and 4 states in 18 years. I'm finally in a home I don't feel "compelled" to run from! Bloody expensive! 1500$ a month! But it "feels" comforting. Been here the longest I've ever been in a place. Almost 2 years now.

    Yeah, anxiety and I are old friends. I have depression issues too but I hate weakness so it pisses me off and I refuse to acknowledge it. I'll distract myself or tell myself to get over itself.

    Other than that, I'm fiiinnneee! Totally fine! Yup.. Not a head case at all..

    I once hated making phone calls! Even just ordering pizza was terrifying. But now, it doesn't bother me at all to make calls since I have my own business. I also have a history of debilitating depression, but that has improved tremendously with healthy lifestyle change. I'm actually very good with names and faces, so I can't relate there! I hope you find relief :heart:
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    I now what you are saying. I am agoraphobic :(
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    I have it to. i can relate to having it in grade school. it sucks as far as geing over it. i don't have no advise except chellenge the things that give you trouble. one of mine was driving but now it seacond nature. sure it sill scary but it's not that bad. put me in a crowed room or left with strangers. heck no.. i hate with a passion christmas shopping. to many people
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    I struggle with anxiety as well. In high school is when mine peaked and began to form even more to the point I would walk out of exams, my hands trembling and my heart racing.

    Anxiety has made me feel quite nauseous before but not the point of physically being sick. I had to start taking medication for my anxiety at the beginning of the year due to how terrible it had become and I couldn't function at all. It all depends on the medication and the dose that the doctor gives you and how it will affect you. I'm on the lowest dose of anti-depressants and it has helped with both my anxiety and depression so so much.

    The hardest part right now is explaining to family, friends and my partner that just because I'm taking my medication doesn't mean I will feel amazing every single time. My anxiety will go through the roof some days despite me taking the medication.
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    Yes.. all the time. the first thing I do is breath.... then stop drinking coffee for a while. that helps a little.
  • ChiChiDoesStuff
    ChiChiDoesStuff Posts: 90 Member
    I've had bad anxiety all my life. I actually started doing a Lil better after my inflammation was cut down. But other than that I try to avoid triggers, and take a lot of alone time lol.And ride it out when I have a attack.
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    I have it to. i can relate to having it in grade school. it sucks as far as geing over it. i don't have no advise except chellenge the things that give you trouble. one of mine was driving but now it seacond nature. sure it sill scary but it's not that bad. put me in a crowed room or left with strangers. heck no.. i hate with a passion christmas shopping. to many people

    Omg I hated driving too! I got my license at 16, but did not start driving until 20. I would literally have panic attacks anytime I had to get behind the wheel. Now I'm comfortable driving within my comfort zone. But anytime I have to drive somewhere outside of my usual routes, I get bad anxiety. You can forget about me ever driving out of town lol.
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    amyteacake wrote: »
    I struggle with anxiety as well. In high school is when mine peaked and began to form even more to the point I would walk out of exams, my hands trembling and my heart racing.

    Anxiety has made me feel quite nauseous before but not the point of physically being sick. I had to start taking medication for my anxiety at the beginning of the year due to how terrible it had become and I couldn't function at all. It all depends on the medication and the dose that the doctor gives you and how it will affect you. I'm on the lowest dose of anti-depressants and it has helped with both my anxiety and depression so so much.

    The hardest part right now is explaining to family, friends and my partner that just because I'm taking my medication doesn't mean I will feel amazing every single time. My anxiety will go through the roof some days despite me taking the medication.

    Thank you for sharing!
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    Yes.. all the time. the first thing I do is breath.... then stop drinking coffee for a while. that helps a little.

    I drink so much coffee, it probably worsens the symptoms of anxiety. I should really cut back
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    I've had bad anxiety all my life. I actually started doing a Lil better after my inflammation was cut down. But other than that I try to avoid triggers, and take a lot of alone time lol.And ride it out when I have a attack.

    I need lots of alone time as well haha
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    hellvee wrote: »
    I used to have severe anxiety for public speaking, now somehow I don't and I give pretty kick *kitten* town halls and seminars. Not sure what changed.

    Maybe you've just adjusted to doing it? Some things that gave me severe anxiety in the past, don't anymore just because I grew accustomed to doing it frequently.
  • Cat3141
    Cat3141 Posts: 162 Member
    This is probably something to see a professional about. Therapy can sometimes help with anxiety. Therapy can help address underlying issues, help you learn coping strategies, etc., based on what is going on with you. If you obtain a proper diagnosis and a medical professional decides its appropriate, medication can be helpful. Personally, everything I've tried knocks me out, so I can't use medication unless I just need to sleep for 12+ hours, but many people do find it helpful.

    In general, limiting caffeine intake and managing stress (e.g. via exercise, lifestyle changes, getting enough sleep) can be helpful.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    My dh has severe anxiety and has been on medication for a few years. Anxiety definitely has a physical impact.
    Medication definitely helps him but isn't a total cure. His anxiety can still be pretty bad for him at times if he has to travel for example.
    It is worth exploring medication with your doctor.
    I would also do things like try therapy, meditation, well balanced diet, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep to help manage anxiety.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    edited October 2017
    Fitkam90 wrote: »
    Fyreside wrote: »
    It's something I experience daily for a few years now. And I'm very anti med (personal opinion) So I'm just living with it currently. But I am working towards changing my life towards not putting myself in the situations that cause it so often.

    I'm not too fond of the idea of putting prescription drugs in my body to change something. I really think Drs should prescribed a person to follow people with anxiety around to comfort them at the 1st sign of an anxiety attack lol.

    Haha, that just might work :smile: The reason I responded to the thread is in my opinion there aren't enough options for just talking about anxiety. It's not something most friends and family are equipped to help you with. Professional help is expensive. And the crisis lines... I mean I value the service they are trying to provide. But they are a little too self harm focused in my experience. I'd never call one again no matter how intense things were.

    I do know of a few things that help me.. Music, Adrenaline and not being at family gatherings :smiley:
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I have really bad anxiety/depression that I have to deal with daily. It's impacted every area of my life. I don't throw up though (sometimes stomach issues) and I've been having panic attacks for so long that I know I'm not dying and it will pass. Body trembling, blushing, sweating, mind going blank, sometimes it's all I can do to remember to breath. I used to take medication and it really worked well for me, a world of a difference. All of a sudden I was actually making friends and doing well at life. I went off of it bc 1) I thought I was just better now and didn't need the pills/stigma of taking them 2) there were side effects like hot flashes and low sex drive. 3) my body kept getting used to the meds and they'd have to up the dosage and I wondered how long that could go on for. But when I went off the meds my life fell apart again. Even with the side effects I'd personally go back on them bc the feeling of being normal and my true self is priceless. I'd watch out for avoiding things that set you off. I do that and I have zero life. If you can afford to see a professional I'd do that before you get into a spot where you're stuck. I read that you'd like to have a buddy follow you around, that's me too. I feel sooooo much better if I have a "safe person" with me. Maybe a service animal could work for you??? Meds aren't for everyone and maybe just therapy could be enough but sometimes it's purely chemical which is what I believe for myself.
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    Yes ma'am. I have crippling anxiety, have since I was a little girl. I always joke that I've had anxiety since before I knew what anxiety was.

    And it can absolutely make you 'sick'-- Anxiety = stress, and the effects of stress on the human body have been proven to be detrimental. The catch is trying to reduce it, which I have not been successful at. I don't know how to NOT be anxious about everything.