Remove the rolls

9 months until my wedding! Eeek.
My number on the scales, 75kg, is not what scares me, but what that number is made out of does. Also dropping the number by 5 would be good. I need to swap the fat on my body for muscles. My wonderful fiancè thinks I look good how I am, but I want to be in my best body ever for our big day.
Time to get serious about what is going in my mouth and amp up my exercise. And quick smart. I'll be visiting my Mum and sisters over the Christmas break and we are going to go looking at dresses. HELP?? Suggestions please for how I can be in shape for trying on dresses by then?


  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Well, realistically you can lose 4lbs per month. So 36lbs by d day. But looking at your diary, if it is accurate, crash dieting is not the answer. You want to keep the muscle/lean mass not lose it with the fat...thing is you will drop a couple of dress sizes by then and if you take up lifting weights then you will need to up your protein (and calories going by your diary)