2nd Time Around!! ugh lol

Hi my name is Jessica!! this is my 2nd time around about 4-5 years ago I used my fitness pal and I lost over 100 lbs!! Not only did I look great but I felt great & had confidence again! After having 2 children and getting put on FOUR antidepressants I regained all of it :( but I've been working hard at doing everything I can to exercise and eat right.. I've lost 25 lbs so far in under 1 mo.! I don't weigh myself b/c I learned before that isn't how I tell if I am losing weight! I don't trust scales! :D the best way is how your clothes fit, how much better you feel, so I'm hoping within a year or less that I'll be back to my weight loss goal!! Good luck to everybody else it's definitely not easy but do-able! Also I could use all the friends and support on here as possible :)
