Cottage for 7 days inlaws bad eating - HELP



  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    I had a similar situation. The in-laws have been divorced for over 20 years but they still compete with each other. So, for example, the morning we are leaving for home we have plans for breakfast with MIL at 8AM and then lunch with FIL at 11AM. Just what I want - to load up on food and then sit in the car all day. At least this time it was at a restaurant and I could choose my meal :-)

    I fretted about the trip in advance, but as much as possible I tried to "let it go" and just enjoy. I did take some GoPicnic meals (ready to eat, shelf stable) in my suitcase, but most of them remained untouched. I was able to make healthy choices most places.

    I took my workout clothes and loaded up my mp3 player with new tunes because there was a workout room in our hotel. I used the silent alarm on my Fitbit One and would head to the workout room each morning of the trip. It helped me to know that, no matter what else happened, I had given myself a calorie burning boost for the day - and being more relaxed is the key to vacation, right?

    You can have a back-up, but just be aware that you can't plan for everything - and you probably shouldn't! Their complaining probably has more to do with subconciously feeling guilty about their own eating habits. Seeing you getting healthier makes them feel criticized/guilty about their own habits.

    I hope you will have a good trip and that your in-laws will surprise you and be less overbearing! :-)
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    Offer to cook for them. Then YOU choose the menu. Stockpile a few essentials like cottage cheese, oatmeal, veggies, etc. and make sure they know that's yours. DO NOT LET THEM SABOTAGE YOU! If they choose to eat poorly, that is their choice. Do not accept being shamed for something you should be proud of.
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    Don't let your in-laws shame you into doing anything differently than you normally would. In the end they'll respect you more for being independent and a good role model for their grandson, even if they're not willing to say it to your face. Not to mention, hiding your true eating habits and sneaking around to log your food is going to set a bad example for your son. Be proud of your choices and don't let anyone make you feel as though their way is the only way on YOUR vacation.
  • ashley11scott
    ashley11scott Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks all for your advice from what you have said my new action plan is to NOT count calories. I plan to be active hiking/swimming ect all day long in addition to workouts at whatever time I want without shame “own it” followed by drinks at night. I will still eat smaller portions of high calorie foods and extra protein snacks. I love my in laws just not how they eat. I want to be healthy this is not about the scale. A week of meals is a long time and I don’t want bad habits again its just stressful but feel a bit better now thanks to all of you  keep on pushing everyone!

    - I will pre pack portion sized snacks in zip locks LOVE this idea! thanks
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I've lost count of how many times I've played the 'but I'm not used to eating that I'll get sick' card. Never mind how much pizza is on my log, my relatives don't use this site.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member

    I need some tips and advise from you please!

    sistuation: Aug 4-11 2013 I will be at a privet cottage with 8 inlaws who all eat horrible high carb calroie foods.
    My father in law already thinks I am vain for counting calories and working out. I dont want to make it any more noticable then it already is that I chose to eat heathy. We all have to share one fridge/freezer no idea what anyone else is bring or how we are doing meals but i know they will want to have big family meals together. They love to cook and drink wine.

    My plan: eat small portions and snack on protien....eggs,jerky, turkey bacon,protien powder. also bring pen and peper to wright now what I eat in privet. I am hoping to get up extra ealry before my son and in laws so i can workout without getting hears full of its vacation dont work out ect.

    What else can I do this is 7 days in this sistuation not sure if I will have access to MFP to count calories :(

    Thanks anyone who can give some more tips.

    What's your budget? You can get a mini fridge at Walmart for $69.

    I wouldn't care what they thought. I would be nice and tell them to totally go ahead and enjoy themselves, but I was going to stay on my diet. Take your own food, your own rice cooker/blender/whatever you use, and enjoy the other social aspects. You can also take premade shakes. Good luck.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You could choose to relax and have a whole holiday.

    Seriously, a diet shouldn't rule/ruin your life or it just won't be sustainable. If you can eat small portions go for it, but trying to calorie count may make your week fraught with stress and guilt.

    Just imagine you are at maintenance and practice being 'normal - if you see what I mean :)

    Whatever you choose to do, enjoy the week. Time with in-laws can be stressful enough without adding a whole extra layer.

    Good luck.

    I agree with this.

    One week of "eating bad" will at absolute worst set your progress back... one week. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter if you hit your goal one week later than you would have otherwise?
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Just break up with them.