Lost 45lbs on WW now trying this!

shanabear33 Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! So in February i started WW and ive lost 45lbs. However I can't afford to keep doing WW so im giving this a try. Im a little nervous about it working.. i still have about 60lbs to my goal (i started at 289, i'm currently at 235 and want to be 160). Anyways, anyone wanna add me? Any advice? Will just counting calories work as well as WW?


  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    For me, it's worked better. WW's points have gotten further removed from calories over time. Fruits and veggies do have calories and calling them 'zero points' isn't accurate. An extra 14 calories of unlogged lettuce won't impact your weight loss. An extra 240 from eating 2 apples just might. Also, WW assigns a higher points value to 200 calories of cake than it would 200 calories of lean protein. The thing is, for weight loss, a calorie is a calorie. For nutrition, health, satiety, etc., what you eat matters. But treats can fit within the context of a healthy diet. (If I've been eating a lot of nutrient-dense foods and want to have a treat at my nephew's birthday, I can do it without feeling like I'm cheating or 'being bad'.)

    I started MFP at 254 lbs, I'm now 168.6, 11 months later. Trying to get to 130.

  • jules0348
    jules0348 Posts: 12 Member
    I just posted the same thing !!